Eeeeee! It's like an angsty little family sitting on the shelf. No mini Impala for me, alas. If anyone does get one of those and doesn't want it or would trade for some art or just loves me that much then gimee a holler. But I got them at Target (waves to Phetch), and apparently only there you get a cute little locker calander with it.
I really love the front cover, although S1's is probably still my favorite. Inside when you pull out all the dvd's there's a cool picture I'd never seen before of Sam in the background, the car, and then Dean in the forground. I'm glad it's all the same size and setup even though there's one less disk. The only thing I don't like is Ruby and Bela/Katie and Lauren on the inside back cover with the boys. Still pushing the whole "series regulars" like they're any more interesting or important characters than Bobby or John or Gordon or anyone else who could actually act and actually had a purpose to the story. *eyeroll*. ANYway, I'll start on all the special features after class this afternoon. I don't think there's any commentaries but those kind of bore me anyway. *Squeees again!*
ETA: So my favorite thing is the segment on all the special effects. It's probably just the nerdy art-kid in me. I really have liked the blend of actual creatures/prosthetics and CGI on the show though. Also, instead of commentaries or deleated scenes they have these little five minute or so bits with Kripke or the director or writer about certain aspects of an episode. I kind of like it better. And I'm just getting more and more excited for the premier now.