I told you so ...

Sep 11, 2013 17:29

... there wouldn't be much time left to complain about things :D

So whoever read my last entry (oh, suddenly it's gone XD ) I had a great day today. Since Takitsuba events at Tohoku are kinda without any rules I had a nice live camera to follow at least parts of the event. :}
Fun. ^^
Nah, I'm just one of those people who can stay mad for like a few hours. That's why it's also no fun to have fights with me because I do not care about a thing. Maybe it's my attitude that I already know I NEVER get what I want and obviously I like it that way = ドM ^^'

Nevertheless there are still things that are *not* acceptable (there comes the complaining). Could someone one day and for always take away mustache-san from Tsubasa. I spent so much time to accept it but I still can't -____- And I guess I never will... Well, I'm going survive it. Because it was always his dream to have one:

So congrats :) (But I'll stay angry at the Baseball Star who made him think about this -.- )
Still, on a Tsubasa scale I would say some moustaches are okay. But some are kinda not. And there are also some that are definitely a no-go >____<
I'm not yet sure what about the one now, because right now I don't really care. XD

Yume Monogatari, what else~

btw Tsubasa wore the same shirt last year. Yes, it has "Ishinomaki", I find this still kinda amusing especially since Takki's shirt is so new you still see where it has been folded.^^ But it's still the same as last year .... huh, why? XD

Takizawa's half-heartly attempt to get friday'd (OMFG, he was alone(!) and going to his car. SCANDALOUS! :0 ) ended up as an publicity thing for his new drama. I was really hoping for a new solo single. Since they do whatever they want anyway. And I didn't enjoy Mayonaka no Panya-san that much. But I never liked ANY drama that was about food. I also didn't like his Antique drama. (and also dramas like Kuitan, Hungry, ... )
But I like periodical dramas a lot so I'm looking forward to it :D

Talking about dramas.
As for "Woman" I'm kinda not so happy about it. As for Oguri Shun's role I never liked it or better said the fact that it's such a minor part even though it's a major part for the story. It's still just a small supporting role. -.- And as great as things like "Woman" or "soredemo, ikite yuku" are. Full of dark feelings, show you how bad parts of Japanese society and some lifes can be ... they're not compatible with me :/ I find them ... "boring" is the wrong word, but let's say not so exciting and there could've been better things especially because it's just a supporting role. (last ep was today, I haven't watched it yet)
Oh, I've also watched "kyou no hi wa sayonara" but I didn't cry as well...? I wonder about it, so far I cry at every single sad thing. But it kinda wasn't that sad for me. I didn't like Yamada Ryousuke's acting at all. I think he didn't portait his character in the right way. It freaked me out.
Tsuyoshi's "Tenma-san ga yuku" is a wonderful masterpiece. At least everyone would say it how also love the 2 Yuusha Yoshihiko Season (with Yamada Takayuki) and "33-pun Tantei" (also with Tsuyoshi). It's so sick and crazy. XD This drama is about a ghost hunter and Japanese ghosts are kinda scary I would say. But it's so silly and you can't take it serious at all. Nevertheless everytime this little freaking dead kid appears on screen I scream as hell. I HATE IT SO MUCH. I already screamed so much during the Yuusha Yoshihiko ghost-episode but this whole drama is like hell.

Thank you, Fukuda Yuuichi, who is the screenwriter from all of these (plus Tokyo Dogs, Hentai Kamen and 1 Pondo no Fukuin). And I love Tsuyoshi so much in dramas.
Speaking of Tsuyoshi I'm looking forward to his new single *___* The Kaba album was kinda not that great (maybe I would've liked it more if I would've known all the songs). Aaaand Kinki Kids are releasing their first new song within ... 1 Year and ~ 10 Months. (their goes my last "they have it worse"-comparision ^^' )
Plus Arashi and their new album. I think it's funny every year to read a) "I can't afford the album"-comments and b) "OMG, their already sold out" even though it's the same each time, that the pages only sell contingents, so gawd, just calm down ~

I end this post with the one 11th Anniversary we got: The new 24h cosme CM. I think this time T&T women don't look as good as last time. But I think it has something to do with the fact that this time they call it "CG" and last time it was more photoshopped. Moreover they aren't Japanese and talking English in the CM. (and I don't like Takki's date with this "I want to stay beautiful forever." That's kinda NOT the romantic wish you make while star-gazing. Even though I love the fact they used star-gazing since it's Tsu's ... hobby. XD )

plus LOL at the fact they made Tsubasa's lips SMALLER for the female version. SMALLER ... XDDD

ah, no, wait, I end it with an Ai wa takaramono video XD

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concerts, je is fabulous, gif, tackey&tsubasa, imai imai baa, j-dorama, domoto tsuyoshi, oguri shun, imai tsubasa, arashi, tackey takki taki tacky ranger, fandom

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