a fangirl's life

Aug 06, 2013 18:57

The other day I saw the movie 嫌われ松子の一生 (Kiraware Matsuko no Issho). International Name: Memories of Matsuko. (So the international translation just left out that she's despised = kiraware. Nice, very nice ^^)

I don't want to talk about if it's a masterpiece or not. I don't like to analyze films but like to have a good time. I've also seen "kokuhaku" by director/screenwriter Nakashima Tetsuya. Let's say it's art, in a Tim Burton kind of way. Just Japanese. So ... better? XD

Well, I didn't really know about that movie until a friend told me that in a German TV magazine they had a list of "40 best films of the world" and that one was on of them (besides "Kokuhaku"). And I was kinda surprised because ... this is Germany. There's an Asian movie like once a week and that's usually a Hong Kong movie. The only Japanese people I've ever seen on TV were in Takeshi's Castle which everyone knows about, Gojira ... aaaand ... that's pretty much it XD Once I've seen by conincidence Abe Hiroshi in some movie that was Gojira (he's once in Gojira) ... but it's all dubbed so it doesn't matter anyway if you can't even hear their real voices -.-

However, you can buy a few "worth for German market" DVDs. Mostly ALL Samurai-ish movies like Azumi, ALL horror movies like Ringu, some fighting movies like Crows and some movies that are considered as art or somehow special like Sakuran. (and I guess also movies that have nice young Japanese girls in it what-ever-the-story-is-about)
So you can also buy "Kiraware Matsuko no Issho" here and amazon says it has a German dub besides the original dub. ... ugh.

It has some musical elements in it and before watching it I only took a brief look on the cast and was surprised how many interesting guest roles it had (like Shibasaki Kou and Tsuchiya Anna) besides having Nakatani Miki and Eita.

But one small part of it made me totally laugh cry. It's not a main point of the story but in the beginning we/Eita's character see this picture in between the leftovers of Matsuko:


*insert name here*

*folding papers to cranes flowers and stars*

( ... because he hasn't even read your letter !! XD )

CRYYYYING about the fact that this scene is so sarcastically written and after all it's all so true and represents the life of a million fangirls out there.

(like, they took a photo of my room and just changed the heads on the posters and the names, and that's me by the way XD No, I wasn't waiting to die and I don't write long fan letters but ... deep in my heart I still keep waiting in front of my letter box for all those years XDD)


fangirling, je is fabulous, eita, japan is the world, fandom, j-dorama

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