Something is different ... but it's still the same - fandom post

Oct 30, 2012 20:45

First thing to do after waking up or better: while still almost asleep: Checking Oguri Shun's official mobile site. This morning I was totally surprised (small shock while still trying to wake up) because they finally changed the layout back from Rich Poor to the standard one. It's been ages since we had those pictures. At least they are from beginning of 2012. More interesting was the fact, that the official site's standard layout still includes pictures from 2008.... *laughs*
And I thought I can't be that hard for his own agency to take new photos. Well, that's the usual way of his official site but every time it's a little bit funny ... ha . ha .

Maybe this time more than usual... NOT funny. Because ...erm ... the last photoshooting was like ages ago. AGES AGO. And I'm still talking about Oguri Shun. I don't even have the possibility to think about buying something or not, which site to use, which shipping method to use, thinking about how much I really need this right now immediately ... because there is simply NOW ANYTHING AT ALL *headdesk*
So the last photoshooting was like in ... August? Now, not exactly, that was the release month for the magazines, but they usually take these pictures early. So ... hm ... I don't get this at all. He's simply a perfect living being so why not taking any pictures?

Okay, I can't change it anyway. Next topic:
I GOT MY PACKAGE FROM JAPAN! (Again and again, but this time the one cris01 had been involved with. Thank you thank you thank you. (our conversation was like she told me which shopping/shipping site to use and I immediately created an acount and bought random things at yahoo.auctions. ^_____^ Usually I buy things at marketplace but there were a few things I was desperately looking for. Well, I simply want to have EVERYTHING. But it's not that easy to get *everything* so there have always been a few things I kept looking for and couldn't find them. Instead of those I always managed to buy something else. It's sooo great that there is always something to spend money for! Or better said: Things I can exchange my money with that make me happy = anything with an Oguri Shun on it, in it, with it, whateva XDDD ^______^
Okay, I take a random picture of *a few things I bought*

It all started with the small thing called "theatre cocoon" in the middle which is actually the Kaligula pamphlet and ended up with everything around it plus an unknown amount of surprise-clipping-collections XD
Now I also know what's reason for the abscent of Dokuro-jo pamphlet scans (the one with the skull) ... it's because of the size. kya~ *____* You know, I LOVE LOVE LOVE those pictures in it. One of them is right next to my monitor. (situation: I have to think hardly about something that happens on my monitor, so for better thinking I look somewhere else and everytime end up at that picture ... and it erases all memories XDD )

erm ..
and that's the reason why my posts always end with confusing sentences ... like now ... erm ... I think that was all I wanted to write about .... ... ?

hm ...

Oh, nearly forget about the mandatory gif.... hm ...
how about that one? It really has a meaning for me because after watching second half of Azumi 2 back in the days I came to the awesome conclusion that it would be a great idea to start watching doramas. So within a few minutes my "no, not interested" changed to "maybe" and ended up with "I have to do this". It took me a few days/weeks (felt like months) that the reason for why I started to watch them and for getting addicted and the reason for never ever stopping it was always the same ^^' :
because of this "let's do some flashes with lots of scenes of him" and the whole 7 min long dying scene where this took part ... he took my soul soul ... and here I am ^^
end of story.

pictures, oguri shun, fandom

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