Suupaa Furesshu

Sep 28, 2012 12:19

Okay, sorry, I just clicked the "mark all as read" Button. I had more than 30 messages I still wanted to answer but ... no, it's already way to late for most of them. Please, everyone, you're allowed to hate me now. Especilly because it's not the first time I used that button ...
But I came to the conclusion that during the last ~ 5 months I wasn't really that talkative nor active here or anywhere else. I was a bad friend, sorry. I'm trying to change that from now on. Yes, I'm back in life! I'm all motivated! Hello World, I'm back again! XDD
Thank you, thank you. See you later, bai bai ~ ^^
Flower Punch!

And now totally off topic ... during my time in Tokyo I met a Japanese guy who was living at Kodaira (the world is small ~ LOL ~ me was freaking out. Because it was like this: M-san "I live in Kodaira, Oguri Shun grew up there." me:"OMG OMG OMG OMG, tell me more" (in Japanese)) and went there too several days later ... Yes, I finally said it XDD And it's like the emptiest place in the whole whole world. Or at least in Tokyo prefecture... But it still feels kinda strange which is why I avoided talking about it at all XD

fangirling, oguri shun, japan, spread out love

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