Feb 04, 2006 01:17
Big Day Out this Sunday! Woo! MAGIC DIIIIIRT. Woo. :)
Okay, seriously. Bruna wants to get there in time to see MD - she and Jules are going to that. So she asked if I wanted to head in with them. I kinda wanted to get there a bit earlier but we'll see what happens on the day.
I am meeting you at Sleater-Kinney right Mazzimo? ;p Well, we'll try our best anyway ;)
I know I'm going to want to buy about 5 t-shirts, but I will have to limit myself.
In tewdelly awesome news: the next Rock-It festival is something like $59 (bonus!!!) AND...Silverchair are headlining. HELLOOOOOOO PERTH! (Well, Joondalup anyway)
live music,