Yay college...

Jul 01, 2009 20:17

Well, the college has shown it's colours once more...

*Sighs* I really aught to go elsewhere, but they're irritatingly convenient...

Anyhow yeah... The course that I'm on is a four year course, and we're starting the third year... Potentially, the final year.

Now, the reason why it's potentially the last year is that the final year of the course is one big project.

"Unit 10"

Now, it's only a 3000 word project... For someone who's done a 40,000 word dissertation, this is something that could be done in a weekend, or perhaps even a good afternoon.

Except... For the fact, that it's workplace project.

Yep, you have to co-ordinate with your employers (assuming you even have any) and get their approval.

So yeah, we're not even starting on the third year, why am I concerned over the fourth year project?

Well, yeah, the college runs a session, today... It's intended for people finishing the third year but wanting to skip out having to do the fourth. They impose a three month time limit (utterly artificially, I might add) after which they fine you £60.

Again, this isn't entirely unreasonable, given that the people that the session is intended for will be working over the summer holidays, and will be pestering the college over the summer.

The part that I have a problem with, is that the session today would have been useful to attend to get an idea of what the project is about. According to the AAT, I would have nearly two years to finish this project.

According to the college, if I even attend this meeting? 3 months, or recieve a fine.

Even if I just sit in the back of the room, don't say a word and just take notes.

What the hell? Penalty for wanting to show initiative and save the colleges time when our year for unit 10 starts?

You bet.

So yeah, the college is crap.

Also it's too hot around here... =~-~=

Oh well, at least there's an interesting program on how the turin shroud may have been faked.

Edit: Also...

Oooeeeoooeeeooo waa waa waa!

:3 Good film on telly.
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