Oct 15, 2006 18:38
Well, I feel a little foolish for complaining over a lack of things to talk about xD
Firstly... My immune system still sucks... Or maybe Milton Keynes is just one big ol' plague pit :S I don't know which it is, but there's a nasty cold going around and though I've been fighting it, it finally caught me :x *Does battle with it*
Haven't got it bad though, just a bit headachey and dizzy, that's all :)
Also, following a few arguments with the agency, they finally found something rather interesting.
They claim it's a junior position within an accounting department who are somewhat snowed under and willing to give me a shot for a week. They're a new client for the agent, and I'm pretty much all they have *chuckles and rubs hands* Wish me luck :D *Dusts off the suit and sets the alarm for too early o'clock in the morning*
=~-~= I used to be such a mornings person.
But yeah :) New job, and I'm a lil nervous about it xD I'll hopefully have something more to post about it tomorrow.
Went off to the city centre today to get some stuffs I need... (A new calculator, as my old one stopped working, and working out VAT at speed isn't so easy by hand)
sure, 17.5%... It can be done.
Divide by ten, for 10%, divide that by two for 5% and divide that by two again for 2.5% and add the three together... But on my new calc it's just faster to hit the +VAT button xD.
Ahem... Yeah, I'm drivelling, as I say, jus' a lil fuzzy from the cold... or possibly the cold remedy.
But yeah :o Made a rather interesting impulse buy today... Happened to be passing middleton hall in the centre, when I noticed they were doing one of their craft fairs again... And one stall caught my eye in particular :o
It was a guy who made rather lovely wind instruments... Didgeridoos and the like, but more commonly... Flutes :o
I used to love the idea (back when I roleplayed) of having my characters learning to play some kind of musical instrument as a bit of flavour... Now I guess it's my chance to do the same.
Either way, I know the flute itself plays well... As he was kind enough to give me a quick demonstration of the very basics xD... As far as I am concerned, I can just about get a noise out of it. That noise is often some variation on the note known as "Feep"...
So yah :) if I drive everyone at home spare with my occasional feeping, maybe I'll just vanish off into the nearby woods and go feep at all the birds xD
Anyhow. I hope you're all having fun! 'cus I am :3 and you're all missing out if you're not.