This, that and nothing special.

Aug 10, 2008 15:22

 One of the puppies has been sold actually the prettier of the two. The neighbors called them home the other night and a buyer picked out the tri color mostly white one. I am sure it was a hard choice one was pretty but one was smarter.The little black and tan seemed to be the boss of the two he kept the other one in line.  He was always the first to eat and snap at the other one when it wanted to eat. Now he is just one lost little puppy with his brother gone. I hate to say it but I hope they sell him soon before I get too attached.  They are nice animals but I am not fond of bassets.
One of the cats has an ear infection and has been on antibiotics for two days. This morning he wanted me to rub his ear for him and that is a good sign because he hasn't wanted anyone to touch it.  He also wants to be put up sooner, his little house is air conditioned and the heat here is getting to him. (Actually the little house is my work house but it turned into the cat house when the coyotes started coming around). 
My chickens continue to fascinate me. Each one has it's own personality. One of the little black beauties will come up to you and when you reach to touch her she starts going around in circles. No idea why she is doing that but it is cute.  
My mother always preferred Rhode Island Reds and my grandmother had dominics which everyone called dommineckers. Both of those breeds lay brown eggs and that is the egg of my choice. Course when I was growing up and when my children were small I wanted the white eggs. Now in my aging I prefer the brown eggs. These chickens should be laying about December according to the man I bought them from. Always good to have something to look forward to even if it is a chicken laying it's first egg. 
Seems like the old dutch saying, "The hurrider I go the behinder I get." is my theme lately. Seems like there are a million and one things around here crying out , "Do me, do me." Unfortunately none of them get done or only get a smattering done on what needs to be a lot done. Oh, well such is life there is always tomorrow and after that another tomorrow.
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