022 [audio]

Dec 29, 2009 23:07

While I suppose the rest of you are grateful for at least one gift from the trees, if nothing for sentimentality's sake--

[In reference to the photo in the pictureframe he has laying facedown on his nightstand.]--I am afraid I must ask why the Captain always seems to insist upon burying us in sweets. Not all of us are particular fans of candy, ( Read more... )

#ganondorf, #redd, so sentimental (not sentimental no), roundears are stupid, holidays, !event, you're stupid and your boat is stupid, time to offend someone, #phoenix, marmas, #zelda

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oblique_wisdom December 30 2009, 08:06:47 UTC
[Zelda's been listening to Ganondorf and Razer. This is also the second time she's heard about Marmas, which she assumes could have something to do with Jak, and she will ask him later, but at this particular moment she's too annoyed to say anything.]


farfairersoul December 30 2009, 16:26:26 UTC
Your acquaintances are almost as difficult as Jak's, Princess.

Although I would supposed, given the history, that he is more the Praxis to your King Damas than the Erol to your Jak.


oblique_wisdom December 30 2009, 17:52:01 UTC
[She grits her teeth. Why does he always compare her to Jak? He makes her think altogether too much.

And unfortunately? She actually gets what he's saying.]

You could say that.


farfairersoul December 30 2009, 18:02:42 UTC
[His voice is low, intrigued and amused at the same time.]

...Familiar with that tidbit of history, are we?


oblique_wisdom December 30 2009, 18:05:25 UTC
Should I not be?

[Razer knows how close she is with Jak, or does he? Perhaps up to this point he's only viewed her as Jak's toy. He may not know how serious they actually are.]

...I am a bit informed.


farfairersoul December 30 2009, 18:18:12 UTC
Impressive. It is always good to do your best to understand the culture from which your lover originates.

[No, he knows exactly how serious you are. He just usually only uses it to make her trip over herself.]

Is he familiar with your involvement with this..."Ganondorf" character?


oblique_wisdom December 30 2009, 18:22:12 UTC
[Twitch. Razer, you always say the wrong thing to her. Zelda doesn't even refer to Jak as her lover or her suitor or her boyfriend or anything. Still.]

When he states that he took Hyrule, he means that he took it from my descendant, not from me. Do not let him tell you otherwise.

[Except there's so much more to it. Triforce pieces and all.]

Jak knows very well of my involvement and reluctant tolerance for him. We have discussed it only on one occasion.


farfairersoul December 30 2009, 18:28:55 UTC
[No, princess, he always says the right thing. He's going for a reaction, and your buttons are easy to push. That's why he likes you. ♥

He laughs.]

I suppose that makes him Praxis and you Mar, doesn't it? So it comes back around to Jak after all.


oblique_wisdom December 30 2009, 18:32:33 UTC
[She draws a hand over her face. Okay, so maybe he has a point. Maybe she and Jak really do have a lot in common. Maybe that is the reason they're drawn to each other. It's a lot easier to pretend there's a world of differences between them, though. Never mind that royalty courting royalty isn't exactly a crime and is more or less expected.]

...I suppose you could also say that. I would not, but who am I to discourage your line of thinking?

[That's rhetorical, Sir.]


farfairersoul December 30 2009, 18:38:16 UTC
Considering you would be wrong not to mention it, I am uncertain you would like to hear who or what that would make you.


oblique_wisdom December 30 2009, 18:41:25 UTC
[Zelda actually gives that a lot of thought in trying to put the pieces together. The Ganondorf aboard the ship is very much like Praxis. The Ganondorf from her time is also like Praxis. Her father could have been compared to Damas. In a way, it does make her like Mar.

Maybe it's the way Razer's said it, but she's not sure she understands. What she does know is that while her irritation has taken a back seat, he's managed to acquire her full attention.]

Elaborate, if you would.


farfairersoul December 30 2009, 18:45:25 UTC
...No, I think you have quite enough little faith in your ability to understand a situation without me driving the point home with whatever part of my linguistic arsenal would work best in the situation.


oblique_wisdom December 30 2009, 18:49:00 UTC
[Did... he just insult her?]

I understand a situation well enough and just fine when it is not coated in riddles like yours can be. Up to this particular moment, I have not disagreed with you or said that you are incorrect.

If you have something you feel you need to say, you should do precisely that. Otherwise, you can cease your mockery of me.


farfairersoul December 30 2009, 18:52:35 UTC
Princess, I have told you many, many times that I feel you have too little faith in yourself--your opinions, your actions, everything. I do feel you have quite a bit of growing up left to do, and I would rather not exacerbate your argumentative fragility.

[In other words, he's not telling you because he doesn't want to hurt you. Isn't that sweet?

...Yeah, he's a pretty horrible person. Sorry.]


oblique_wisdom December 30 2009, 19:01:31 UTC
[What possibly makes him think this. She knows he has told her that many a time, but is it only because she doesn't outwardly use it? She does use her abilities and her opinions to make rather small influences, because many small influences can equal a large influence. It does not make them less important.

She also cannot deny that she's still young. He is right. Zelda has a lot of growing up to do. She has been a little too sheltered and it does show.

...There he goes, invoking the deep thoughts again. It never fails. She begins to relax a little and he manages to rile her up again.]

You eternally befuddle me.


farfairersoul December 30 2009, 19:06:38 UTC
[He chuckles lightly, just the slightest bit rueful.]

I do seem to have that effect on people. I suppose that is what I get for actually attending secondary schooling.

[Don't let him fool you, he totally loves it.]


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