or is it a goat? Yeah, I think I remember horns... I've been on this site for probably ten years and I don't remember if it's a goat or a lamb...
Since I've been absent (minded) and haven't updated for myself... I'll recap list style... (happens to be a favorite style of mine)
1. Diner peeps had a shower for me.
The cake looked like dis:
One of the presents looked like this:
They're so sweet!
Looking at that picture reminds me of #2... (these are not in chronological order, or logical order... they're in.. whatever comes to mind fast enough so I can move into the living room and finally be home for the first time to watch true blood...)
so anyway, #2:
In overwhelming consternation at the fact that I'm going to be responsible for another human life in 7 weeks and haven't yet been able to successfully pay for my own, I've been selling all things visible that I don't use daily in my house on ebay. Ok, maybe not all things that fit into that category... but a good amount. I've been very cheaply selling them, but I think because of that, they've been selling. However, I did sell the base that which holds up that pink flowery baby bag shown above. And since the guy already paid for it, It might be a done deal. He's picking it up next weekend... I guess it still could follow that he sees her, and is not impressed?? Either way I'm happy... if she goes, I keep the money already in my paypal... if she stays, I'm happy too. Because I do like her, not as much a Kurt... Dirk was actually upset when I told him... But not majorly upset... just kinda shocked I guess. What can I say, I'm out of my mind right now in worryville.
3: Went to the doc twice in the last 12 days or so... will go again in two...
this guy kept me company on the way up and down...
I never noticed before that in that painting, there is a baby in the red circle. I couldn't get a good enough pic because the other people in the room probably would've thought things that I didn't want them to think... Now I'm thinking I shouldn't have cared coz I really wanna see it closer.
I want one of those chairs...
Crap... True blood is almost on... I may have to finish this later...