Currentings List style...

Jun 16, 2009 20:12

1.  I can't even remember when I last had a badheadache.  If being pregnant means my headaches go away, then I'm having kids every year until my body can't anymore.  I will sell them all on Ebaby. Seriously... going from an almost everyday some sort of headache (usually bad) to an occassional small sinus headache has been quite nice.  I haven't had to miss work for a headache in months! Maybe by the time I'm done being pregnant, the headaches will have forgotten where my head is and never come back! That's what my wish is. *

2.  I got my blood sugar test this past saturday.  Not sure what the results are yet... but I'm sure they're fine. There was another prego lady there, and as soon as she laid eyes on me drinking my orange sugary liquid, she passed me and said, "I'll be right back to sit next to you."
HA!  people are so funny.  Seriously...  Like, we're automatically BFF coz we're both pregnant.  I thought to myself, "oh good, someone to distract me from my book I was looking forward to catching up on while I have to sit here and wait for five hours...." But then I was secretly happy coz I was hoping she'd been like a looney toon and it would give me some good story to tell. I actually started reading while she was signing in, and I seriously had trouble keeping my eyes open.  The late work nights are starting to get to me I think. And I got up early to make it to labcorp when it opened coz I knew this was a longer test. So anyway, at least this women kept me awake by asking me questions...  But she really wasn't that much of a looney...  just real friendly.  She opened with "Oh, you're so lucky you got the orange drink. I got the cherry.  I HATE the cherry. It's gross!" She did ask me if I was disappointed I was having a girl.  I must've made a face when I said it or something... but then she told me she was on her 3rd girl, so... she was indeed disappointed. 
Oh, and there was this guy there too that kinda creeped me a bit. He sat next to me in the waiting room.. and kinda cleared his throat like a billion times...
then he sat next to me again in the holding room...   and cleared his throat some more...  I kinda felt him looking at me.  He must've been sixty something.  I thought maybe he was gonna ask me about my phone... or ask me if I was pregnant...  But he finally came out with, "Lotta people here huh?"
I responded with a good ol' "yup".
And he continued about how it doesn't really pay to come early and that the people there must've waited at the door... 
ha...  but then he got called in, so that was the end of that conversation.

3. I'm not as easily offended lately as I was in the beginning of this whole thing.  Like... people tend to kinda take stock of me everyday. And it used to annoy the shit outta me.  But for some reason, it's not bothering me lately... I think I'm just getting excited about the actual baby to think about my body. And I'm trying to savor the rest of this last trimester coz the first two went so fast...  And I think I might miss being pregnant...

I went to a funeral today, my Aunt Sara RIP... but anyway, on the way home, my mom wanted to stop at Walmart to get bread... (coz it's only 2.50)  and so I'm walking around with her (I got some bread too... and the snack packs I forgot the last time) and this women who works there...  (must've been some kinda manager, she had lots of keys on a big curly chain) she walked up beside me and said, "Oh.. when are you due?"  (I think I answered that question 30 times today.. ya know how funerals are like family reunions...) but anyway... she asked when I was due and I said, "oh, sept. 8th."  and then she went on about how adorable she thought I was and that my little belly was so cute...  ha ha ha...   I just had to giggle.  My mom just looked at her like she was nuts.  But that was the first stranger encounter actually.  I mean, other women talk about strangers touching them.  But so far, I've only got co-workers touching me. But I guess since she was saying sweet things, I didn't mind.  So it's kinda nice to be acknowledgably pregnant. It kinda makes ya feel...  special.  Man, I'm a cheeseball. But I don't know how else to say it, but months 1-6... kinda uneventful in that department...

4. Getting small bouts of heartburn here and there but not major. Usually lasts an hour or so a couple nights a week.

5. Man the Mets got their asses kicked sunday...  but I won't talk about it...  or mention the friday night missed fly catch fiasco either.

6. I moved a TV this evening.. prob. a bad idea.

7. I get my RHOGAM shot tomorrow.  WOO HOO...  directly after a doc. visit.

9. That's all I can think of right now... or I should go to bed...

*I'm pretty sure I just jinxed myself with #1.
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