Just two legs!

Apr 15, 2009 19:50

Today I found out if it’s a girl or a boy.

I got to work... left at 11:45 to chuck it down to toms river for 12:45.
Got in my car, immediately started crying... and crying...
??? Can’t really tell you why...
I might say this is my first “don’t know why the hell I’m crying” cry.

Ok fine, I know why I was crying, but I really don't wanna share in case someone actually runs into this journal that I know...
And it was a jealousy thing.... that stemed from ... no, forget it. I'VE SAID TOO MUCH ALREADY!

So anyway,
I meet husband at the mall, we get in one car and he looks at me.
“I thought this was a happy day?”

Skip forward. I feel better once we get to the doctor’s office. I focused on a spider that blended in really well with the rug in the waiting room. I was afraid to step on him.

The long ultrasound begins.
This is the brain.
This is the heart.
This is a hand.
Another hand.
This is the heart from the left.
This is the heart from the right.
This is the heart from above.
Oh, there’s that left hand again.
Profile... here comes the left hand.
Feet. ha... the feet cracked me up coz there was a lot of dancing going on.
This is the heart.
This is the heart.
This is the heart.
This is the heart.
Heart again.
Heart again.

"oh, and here's my feet again!"

Anyway, you get the picture... but still I was very engrossed because I just couldn’t get over that that very squiggly energetic person was in my gut!
Just nuts.

So, the doc says, “I know what it is. I had a pretty good idea as soon as we started.”
And the whole time I was thinking in my head... “I wonder if she can tell. Oh, probably not...she probably can’t tell... “
But she decided to wait till the very end to fill us in. TORTURE!

And that's another thing I've been getting mucho advice about too... people saying, "Don't find out what it is!... you'll ruin the surprise!!!" and "If you don't find out what it is, it'll be hard to people to know what color clothes to buy!"
I don't know about you, but guys wear pink now. They just do. And it does not bother me in the least. In fact, I like it. I do. I like it A LOT! Anyway, but we just wanted to find out coz... we just couldn't wait to know! Just plain wanted to. You'd wanna know if your tripod was missing a leg right?

So, anyway, back at the ranch:

The doc was about to tell us... not before she made us guess.
So I said... "well, I've kinda had a girl feeling all along."
Dirk says: "Yea, me too. I guess girl."

We were right. It's a girl! And we think she looks like she's smiling in that picture.

Even though I had a girl feeling in my gut and in my heart, my brain kept telling me my hunch was probably wrong. And most other people guessed boy. And most other people expressed the "boys are easier" opinion. So... even after hearing that, I still really didn't care which it turned out to be.
But once the doc left the room, Dirk and I just started giggling and giggling... ha...
and then we went out to buy a shotgun.

I bet someone else probably stepped on that spider.

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