Revelation 4
How to describe God the Father.
Easier to describe Jesus.
vs 3
Very colourful and bright.
1 Timothy 6:15, 16
Unapproachable light.
We need to approach Him with humility and honesty.
Rainbow - reference His promise to Noah in Genesis 9:13
The living creatures
The elders. 12 is the number of leadership. (Do they represent Israel and the Church?)
vs 6 Sea of glass. To the Israelites, the sea represented chaos. This is a calm sea.
vs 8 Holy - separate.
All powerful.
No beginning. Always here. Always will be here.
God is permanent and always in control.
A firm foundation.
vs 11 Personal worship 'God is our God'. Choosing to acknowledge who God Is.
If you think you're in control, it is a delusion!
He is ruling.
He is in control.