Church notes - 14th March 2021

Mar 14, 2021 15:52

Psalm 96

Kids Talk - James 3:1 - 12

Sermon: Wisdom - James 3:13 - 18
What are pathways to wisdom
Reverence - respectful fear of God.
Proverbs 9:10.
We know He is all loving and sovereign. We need to know how big He is and how sinful we are.
This leads to...
Conversion - 'In Christ'
1 Corinthians 1:30
The Cross is the Wisdom of God. Through it we have been saved.
Psalm 119:97 - 100

James 1:5

vs 14
Outworkings of false wisdom. These don't allow God's wisdom to work in our lives.
vs 15
Earthly wisdom - destructive
vs 16
vs 17
Get rid of doublemindedness. Have a single minded focus on God.
A position of kindness.
Open to reason, to be reasoned with and teachable.
For example: When David reacted to Nabal's foolishness in an aggressive way, he allowed Abigail's reason to persuade him to do what was right. 1 Samuel 25:23 - 35.


Honesty. Not masking one's true intentions or personality.

It blesses every relationship we have. There is no place in our relationships for earthly wisdom, otherwise they would be of poor quality.

james 3, james 1, proverbs 9, 1 samuel, psalm 96, psalm 119, church, 1 samuel 25, 1 corinthians, abigail, 1 corinthians 1

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