Isaiah 7:14
John 3:16
Jesus is the greatest gift!
He came to take away our sins!
He went to the Cross to pay the way
Hebrews 6:19
We have access to the Holy of Holies
Mark 18:38
When He returns His justice will rule.
Isaiah 7:14
Emmanuel - God with us!
A hope - that Jesus will be with us.
An anchor - a place of security in the storms of this world.
Luke 2
The shepherds realsed they needed a Saviour.
Jesus was a real human, a historical figure.
There is no peace in history. But there is peace in Him.
Peace - the 1914 Christmas Truce
Isaiah 7
Luke 2:14
We need to unwrap the gift of Jesus the Savior to fully enjoy the gifts, but we need to share Him with others.