Star Trek: Discovery 3.10 Terra Firma Part 2 review

Dec 22, 2020 19:10

Terra Firma Part 2
The tenth episode of the third season and the second half of the two parter. The conclusion of Georgiou's test and the revelation that Carl is actually the Guardian of Forever. More on the latter later. There is also the fact they use Emerald Chain technology to gather the data from the ship in the nebula. More on that too. Back to the Mirror Universe Test. That Georgiou would try to reform the Empire is reasonable, given that she had heard that it had fallen (albeit not the exact circumstances).
The characters and the interactions between them were also good. Georgiou trying to change the empire, through compassion (especially to the Kelpians) was a good aspect of the story. The early conversation with that version of Saru about the other Saru surviving Vahar'ai was very good, reflecting the themes of change and improvement. That Georgiou and Mirror Burnham would fight was inevitable, but the battle was well portrayed. The outcome was unexpected with the two killing each other.
The return to the 32nd Century was done well, especially with the reveal of Carl as the Guardian of Forever. The re-use of the audio from the original episode was a rather good idea, adding to the experience. The explanation that the Guardian moved due to it being used in the Temporal War was good. Burnham's farewell to Georgiou was done rather well too. It didn't go on too long. It's obvious that this was to set up the Section 31 show, but I will watch it at least one. More on when she could have ended up in a separate post.
That Burnham would keep the outcome a secret is believable. But there is the usage of the Emerald Chain technology. I'm sure that it would come back to bite them. (Ossyra using it to her advantage somehow.) But at least it was useful, and they have the sensor data from the Kelpien ship. Vance taking Saru to task for it was a good scene. However, I'm ambivalent about the wake for Georgiou. I'm sure that while they would have remembered her for her contributions they would also have remembered the negatives.
But this is still a good conclusion to the two part story. 8.44/10.

review, discovery, terra firma, star trek, terra firma part 2

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