Rise of Weirdness - Part 48

Jan 09, 2019 17:22

January 18, 2026:
Golems revolt in the Earth city of Jakarta, highlighting the idea that the revolts are not an "Offworlder" problem, sparking concern amongst world leaders at the United Nations,....

February 3, 2026:
Human supremacist organization Keep Arbol Human League breaks its alliance with Humanity First as being "too radical" in its agenda,...

June 29, 2026:
Human supremacist organization Humanity First proclaims the solar system "Transformed-free" at Armstrong City, shocking most residents,...

June 30, 2026:
UN peacekeeping forces massacre Transformed Offworlders at Pluto City, claiming that they were members of the illegal potions and spells trade, citing a copy of Magic: The Gathering and Worlds of Warcraft

October 5, 2026:
Transformed forces led by Peta Landers liberate Alpha Proxima, a major blow to human supremacist forces,...

November 9, 2025:
Northeastern Blackout; The detonation of a "Metz Effect" (ME) weapon is blamed for the sudden blackout of the Mid-Atlantic Seaboard, fueling concerns about the security and protection of the national infrastructure,

November 13, 2026:
Human supremacist Humanity First forces led by Terrance Waller claim control over Alpha Proxima signaling that the war will be long and drawn out,

April 25, 2027:
Life Extension Act Act is passed in Colorado, becoming the first state in the United States, allowing persons to "harvest" convicted criminals of necessary organs and blood, in an effort, helping expand life extension capabilities globally,....

July 11, 2027:
Real Zealots Criminal syndicate leader Xander Peters escapes imprisonment from the Federal Orbital Penitentiary Orbital prison; Local officials claim that the escape was unpredictable, but UN Peacekeeping forces report a sophisticated network of tunnels and a spacesuit in the cell,....

July 25, 2027:
43 children, mainly Transformed, from Aldebaran are kidnapped and subsequently murdered by members of the Real Zealots crime syndicate, fueling tensions across the Outer Rim,.

October 8, 2027:
Russian expatriates proclaim the exodus of Astrakhan into Offworlder space, further destabilizing the region along ethnic and sectarian grounds,...

May 23, 2028:
Political turmoil erupts as labor unrest and a general strike occurs in Canada with the majority of the unrest in Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver, fueling concern about the stability of the region,....

July 1, 2028
Centauri Refugees are resettled on previously uninhabited Ort Cloud Objects...

July 21, 2028:
Soviet officials announce their boycott of the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California , claiming that the "Transformed" athletes, have an unfair advantage, angering Offworlder states including North Luna, Copernicus-Vega and the Union of Centauri,....

August 29, 2028:
(insert country here) led by scientist (insert name here) announces that it has breached the dimensional barrier for (insert place here), sparking international attention,....

September 14, 2028:
Sochi Zombie Uprising; From Otsu to Sochi, Japanese officials are forced to contend with zombies, spread quickly by the same transportation infrastructure that is used to deliver aid,...

September 16, 2028:
London Floods; Despite flood control measures, heavy flooding in London triggers massive evacuation and civil unrest across Great Britain,.....

April 24, 2029:
Soviet forces launch an invasion of Afghanistan in an effort to prevent the rise of the Caliphate under the leadership of Mahmud Abdul Aziz in Kabul, sparking international condemnation and concern,....

June 2, 2029
Centauri Untouchables arrive at Copernicus-Vega, precipitating a diplomatic crises between the two polities.

November 5, 2029:
Documents are leaked over the Interweb, detailing how medical technologies have been developed and promote life extension for the richest 1%, while denying basic services for the 99% of the world's population,...

January 2030
By this time improvements have been made to the FTL drive such that the average cruising speed is 730c (two light years in a day).

January 15, 2030:
Government officials announce a massive famine in Lagos, Nigeria, fueling a massive humanitarian crisis across Sub-Saharan Africa,....

February 4, 2030
Protests organised by the Keep Arbol Human League rock Prague...

September 17, 2030:
Local Czech officials protest the presence and development of dimensional breaches by the Anglo-French Union, leading to massive riots in Prague, sparking international attention and concern,....

March 21, 2031:
Bangladesh Disaster; Ghosts of Bangladeshi Hindu arise across the country, triggering a massive humanitarian crisis in the region,...

April 30, 2030:
Muscat Conference; Islamic clerics led by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam call for the end to the schism between Sunni and Shiites, sparking international attention,...

April 27, 2031:
Collapse of the national government in Bujumbura, Burundi, fueling civil unrest and panic across much of Sub-Saharan Africa,....

April 28, 2031:
Mexican President Fernando Bautista Pomar announces that abortion is legal is cases of Transformed births, proposing that Transformed persons should be sterilized, sparking international attention and concern,....

May 30, 2031:
French nationalist leader (insert name here) is scandalized after being exposed as Transformed in Nice, France,...

June 6, 2031
Keep Arbol Human League is behind protests against a Pro-Transformed policy in Brisbane, Queensland.

June 21, 2030:
Transformed FIFA soccer player (insert name here) of (insert place here) serves to win Transformed acceptance across the globe in (insert country here),...

October 14, 2031:
Bangkok Floods; Heavy flooding and civil unrest erupt across Bangkok, Thailand, forcing the mass evacuations of portions of the city,...

April 6, 2032:
Golem revolt takes place in Dublin fueling paranoia; many scientists and leaders use the rebellion as proof that golems need to have their memories wiped out regularly, abolitionists cite the revolt as proof of sentience of the golems,....

April 27, 2032:
Burundi Disaster; ghosts of Hutu people massacred in 1972 emerge starting in Rumonge, fueling a humanitarian crisis for the region,...

September 5, 2032:
Members of the Offworlder states of Union of Centauri, Ork Order and Copernicus-Vega and the State of Aphrodite are killed by members of the Humanity Forever terrrorist group, sparking international attention and concern,....

January 22, 2033:
Henderson v. U.S. ; U.S. Supreme Court rules that convicted criminals can be harvested for life extension processes, citing the "right to life" as the "most basic principle to freedom", sparking international attention and concern,....

October 19, 2033:
Economic collapse occurs after OPEC officials in Riyadh report "peak oil production", fueling civil unrest and panic across the Middle East,....

January 22, 2034:
Genesis Committees are established nationwide, protesting the sudden development of life-extension technologies across the globe,....

February 25, 2035:
Collapse of the national government in Khartoum. Sudan, fueling civil unrest and panic across much of Sub-Saharan Africa,....

June 8, 2035
Pirate forces attack the Federal Orbital Penitentiary, freeing most of the prisoners...

October 13, 2035:
Indian government officials in New Delhi declare a "State of Emergency" as famine, food shortages, and civil unrest spread nationwide,....

June 19, 2036:
International Labor Organization (ILO) files protests against American life-extension technologies, as violating the spirit and the letter of the Minimum Age Convention of 1973, during rallies in Geneva, Switzerland,....

July 24, 2036:
Sun Bing-Bong Scandal; Korean President Sun is forced to resign from office in Seoul after it is discovered that she is a Transformed in "passing",....

March 17, 2037:
Winton Disaster; Winton, Queensland is destroyed by Rahrem Sneeti En, leader from the realm of Errnethe Eicpasl, sparking fears of a possible inter dimensional war, against Earth and its government,....

June 9, 2037
Doctors Without Borders claim that they are being denied access to Alpha Proxima.

July 14, 2037:
Some of the largest anti-Metz Effect (ME) weapons are held in the Offworlder colonies of Nova Roma, Aldebaran and Erebor, sparking interstellar attention,...

June 21, 2037:
Vampires and zombies clash violently in Tiszantul, Hungary, demonstrating the impotence of Soviet and European Union military forces,...

March 18, 2038:
General Thai Blackout; "Metz Effect" (ME) weapons airbursts cause electricity and magic to be cancelled out for 24 hours, sparking civil unrest and violence in the region....

April 14, 2038:
Centuari Lowborn Vaste Members are found in mass graves in Jatvas, fueling concerns that the Centauri have dismissed human and Transformed concerns about the issue of equality,...

June 18, 2038
Planet Crichton in the Pi 3 Orionis System is unveiled; The Eastern Hemisphere dubbed Megazoa is populated by Mesozoic Era and Magic Era creatures; The Western Hemisphere dubbed SimWorld features golem/droid recreations of Renaissance Italy, Shogunate Japan, Wild West America , Victorian England, et al.,..

July 11, 2038:
Anti-Semitic riots erupt in Augsburg, Bavaria and Dusseldorf, Germany, fueled by the increasing economic collapse of the Soviet state,.....

August 1, 2038:
Global Commission Regarding Caste and Tribes is established on the Centauri homeworld, in an effort to continue Earth/Centauri trade and political alliances,....

November 22, 2038:
Battle of the Dark Mound; Pirate Captain Nam Quan dies in "glorious battle" against United Nations Peacekeeping Forces within the Asteroid Belt, in one of the largest pitched battles recorded,....

February 11, 2039:
Middle Eastern nation of Iraq suffers after the collapse of the government of (insert name here), fueling the civil unrest and violence in the region, with fears of a possible worldwide conflict,....

Iranian Revolution; Ayatollah Mojtaba Khamenei leads the overthrow of the Soviet-Backed government in Tehran in a political revolution,....

February 13, 2039:
(insert country here) led by scientist (insert name here) announces a breach of the dimensional barrier to (insert name here) at (insert place here),...

April 22, 2039:
Riyadh Proclamation; Islamic clerics led by Asaduddin Owaisi proclaims an end to the Sunni-Shiite schism, fueling international attention and controversy,...

December 25, 2039:
Imam Sahib proclaims the Soviet Union as the "Great Satan" calling for its "ultimate destruction"fueling calls for Soviet military intervention,

February 2040
By this time improvements have been made to the FTL drive such that the average cruising speed is 1095c (three light years in a day).

June 11, 2040
A Golem revolt occurs in Launceston, Tasmania

the galactic scattering, alternate history, rise of weirdness, paradigm shift

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