Matthew 26:26 - 28
Our sins are washed away, never to be remembered.
God Most High
Genesis 14:7 - 24
There is only one God, who is the creator. This is what Abraham came to understand.
Elohim - Plural - the Trinity
Genesis 1:26
"Let us" - plural
Gen 14
Melchizedek - described as a King and a Priest.
Priest of God Most High.
El Elyon - a new understanding. God is supreme.
Psalm 83:18
Isaiah 44:6, 7
Psalm 91:1
Luke 1:32, 33
Psalm 97:9
God is over all
- Satan is not His match and politicians are mere men.
Is your God too small?
The Israelites had seen miracles in Egypt, but their faith fled them when they heard the reports about the inhabitants of the Promised Land.
Jeremiah 1:4 - 10
God had given Jeremiah all the resources he needed.
2 Corinthians 12:9, 10.
Nothing was impossible for God's plan of salvation
e.g. Elizabeth's infertility didn't stop John the Baptist being born.
Nothing is impossible for those who have faith.
Nothing is impossible for the God who saves people.
It is impossible for death to have victory over God.
We can have absolute confidence in God.