Church notes - June 2016

Jun 26, 2016 15:28

Church notes - June 2016
5th June
100% Hope - Mission in Uganda:

1 Corinthians 10

Christ Alone, Cornerstone:

1 Thessalonians 4:1 - 12
Transformation - comparison with people training for power lifting.
vs 1
"Do this more and more"
There is always another layer, more love, more obedience to God.
It is a journey of growth.
What is your plan to grow more and more like Jesus?

God wants us to be holy.
He wants us to avoid sexual sin.
- Someone is always hurt.
- There are spiritual consequences

A guy on Second Life spending time and connecting with someone of the opposite sex in another country. Is he cheating on his wife?

Sexual experience must be limited to marriage.

'The difficulties that we believers have with one another are opportunities for us to grow in our love' - Warren Wiesbe.

Determine to love God more and more.

12th June
Hope in the Lord
1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 18
Jesus' Return should give us clear hope, not confusion.
Vs 13
Doesn't mean that Christians shouldn't grieve.
But our grief is different. It has an end point.
vs 14
- Everything depends on the Resurrection.
- Jesus returned. That gives us hope.
vs 15
Nothing low key. A huge event. It will not be missed.
vs 17
We will not be confused.
vs 14 - We are to be informed. In a way that brings certainty. Not in a way that creates divisions based on quibbles about the timeline of End Times Events.

vs 18
Encouragement when someone has lost someone.

We need to share the hope that we have.

19th June
1 Thessalonians 5:1 - 11
All efforts to know when He comes are futile. We should always be ready.
Zephaniah 1:14 - 18

The solution: be prepared.
We need to be ready now and continually.
Belonging to the day - Belonging to a time when we're ready for His return.

Matthew 25:1 - 13
A picture of how we need to be ready.

vs 6
We need to have daytime behaviour.

vs 10
How we behave is based on who we are. Who we are is based on who God is.

Our hope of salvation is based on what Jesus has done.

Joel 2


Will Graham Crusade in Alice Springs
Almost 850 people gave their lives to Jesus! Hallelujah!

26th June
Eph 2:8

Prayer request - support for Jonathon Lukensmeyer, Scripture teacher in State High Schools.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 - 28
Facing a future of persecution. But that isn't the last word. Jesus' return is the last word. This should be our motivation. We need to have firm belief in Jesus' return
vs 11
vs 12
We should support our leaders

Judges - 'In those days Israel had no King. Everyone did as they saw fit.'

The result: Chaos and suffering

Questions to ask before you complain about Church leaders
Am I certain God is leading me to address this problem?
Am I the problem?
What is my real motive in wanting to complain?
Is there a biblical principle behind the matter I'm addressing
Am I being humble, gentle and patient, bearing with others in love?

Am I demanding perfection from leaders?
Am I willing to be part of the solution?

vs 13 - 22
Paul gives direction that helps the people move to a better place

Do not treat prophecies with contempt
- Don't press the 'delete button' on what God is saying

'Marriages are made in heaven, but are lived out on Earth where all the problems are.'
We need to proactively improve our relationships
Church family
Value or esteem highly the other person. Recognise that they aren't perfect.
Not always trying to change someone else. We don't have to approve.
Accept each other unconditionally as Christ does.

We need to be gracious before others.

There are a great many opportunities for us to be grateful to God.

- Praise and encouragement
- Different to flattery
- Recognition of the good in a person
- We should outdo each other in affirming each other
10 negative comments for every positive comment (in American families, Australian too?)
- What is the impact of that?
Safeguard in marriage
Husband and wife need to affirm each other
- Otherwise a doorway to unfaithfulness is open.


Verbal and non-verbal
Married couples need to connect.
We need to be responsible in the way we communicate.
We need to listen very carefully.
Seek to understand before being understood.

book of judges, when he returns, 1 thessalonians 4, 1 thessalonians 5, church

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