52 Tales of 2016 Daria - Thoughts about Daria 1.1

Jun 25, 2016 13:16

1. Esteemsters
1.1 Jake
"Girls, I just want you to know your mother and I realize it's not easy moving to a whole new town," Jake Morgendorffer said. He thought of his older daughter. "Especially for you, Daria, right?"

"Did we move?" Daria asked.

Jake recognised her sarcasm. He remembered what his wife had said the previous night.

"Jake, you know Daria uses that sarcasm as a sheild, right?"

He knew it. He laughed and said. "I'm just saying don't make friends as easily as... uh, some people."

His younger daughter, Quinn turned up the radio.

"Quinn, for instance," Daria said.

'Oops!' Jake thought. "That's not what I meant, necessarily," he said. He turned the radio off. "The point is, the first day at a new school is bound to be difficult..."

Daria leaned forwards and cranked up the radio. "Speak up Dad! Can't hear you!" she said.

That interrupted Jake's line of thought. "Uh, where was I?" he turned off the radio. "Oh, yeah..."

He pulled up at their new school, Lawndale High.

"Don't get upset if it takes the other kids a little while to warm up to you," he said.

Quinn exited the car and was immediately greeted by two other girls and a boy.

"I'll try to to help her through this difficult period of adjustment," Daria said.

Jake was distracted. "That's my girl!" He realised something. "Wait a minute."

"See you, Dad," Daria said.

As he drove off, Jake hoped Daria would have a good first day.

daria, fan fiction, 52 tales of 2016, jake morgendorffer, daria morgendorffer

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