Church Notes - 14 December

Dec 14, 2014 16:22

14 December
John 3:16

Luke 2:26 - 38

'My Jesus, My Saviour'
3rd Sunday of Advent 2011:
'God Sent His Son'
'Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee'

Philippians 4:14 - 20
Phillippian Church provided funds.
Paul Laboured.

Malachi 3:10

Philippians 4:18
If you give with a right attitude, God will bless you.

Proverbs 11:25
Generosity can change situations and lives.
It can bring prosperity and refeshment.

Deuteronomy 15

Generosity finds its way to help. It finds a way to say 'yes' when you could easily have said 'no'.
Whoever sows generosity will reap generosity.

Generous to others?
You're generous to God.

Prodigal Son - Th older brother refused to share in the Father's joy and rejoicijng. He was self-centred.

It is in God's nature to Give - Especially in the Giving of His Son.

Generosity - a picture of self-giving.
Let's give generously.
Be Generous - in welcoming others.

'Joy to the World'

generosity, philippians, proverbs 11, church

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