Church - March 2014

Mar 30, 2014 15:16

2nd March
Exodus 11:1 - 10
Exodus 12
Passover as scaffolding
If it's tied to the Cross...

Jesus is the Lamb without blemish.

Exodus 12: 6

The bitter herbs - a reminder that the bitterness is almost over.
No yeast - separating ourselves from Sin.

Phillipians 3
Our citizenship is in heaven.

Pharoah loosing his firstborn - a demonstration that he was powerless.

Jesus is the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. He is our substitute...

9th March
Exodus 14, 15
Trust Him. He has things under control.

Crossing the Red Sea.
God is the Initiator of the Plan.
He's doing things
'I've got a Plan, Just Trust Me.'

God is the Accomplisher of the plan
Him and Him alone accomplished the plan

He was showing he Israelites that they couldn't do it without Him.

Psalm 25:1, 2

God is glorified through the plan.
- He is over Pharoah
- Pharoah was the head of the Egyptian power structure

Chapter 15
The Israelites praised God.

Exodus 32
- Oh, how quickly they had forgotten!

John 17:1 - 5

He did it to show that He was above all other gods.
There is great Freedom in the power of God.

16 March
Exodus 16

Comparison: ungrateful teen sueing their parents
The way the Israelites went about complaining to God was wrong - Their hearts were in the wrong place. They were ungrateful

v2 - they 'grumbled'.

Exodus 17:2
They hadn't matured!

God rained down bread from heaven.

John 6:32, 33

We need to learn from our mistakes - The Israelites didn't!

23 March
The Ten Commandments (Based on a Sermon by Louise Torrens)
The Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17 - 22)
Jesus loved him.

God is a God of relationship.

Jesus looked at the young man and loved him and said "Come follow me"

Exodus 20:1 - 17

Exodus 19: 3 - 6
The israelites were in their third month of freedom when they reached Mount Sinai.

The Ten Commandments were... Given to a people who were already in a relationship with God.
God's requirement for how the Israelites' relationship with Him was to be lived out.

Commandments 1-4 deal with the Israelites relationship with God.
Commandments 5 - 10 deal with their relationship with others.
Right relationship with others is born out of a right relationship with God.

Matthew 22:37 - 40

The Greatest Commandment --> Love God ---> Love others.

The rich young ruler mistakenly thought that following the Ten Commandments would guarantee entrance into heaven after death.

Ecclesiastes 7:20

The purpose of the Ten Commandments is to make people realise that they cannot perfectly obey the law.
Romans 7:7

Romans 3:21 - 24

God has a way to make people right and it has nothing to do with the Law
He makes people right through faith in Jesus Christ. They are made right through His grace.

30 March 2014
Numbers 13:26 - 33

Hebrews 1:1

God had promised His people the land of Canaan

Numbers 13:1, 2
Numbers 14:7 - 9

There is punishment for not doing what He says
But He continues to walk with us.
Caleb and Joshua had faith - they survived to enter the Promised Land.
Faith has to be part our decision making process.
Fear is a tool that Satan can use!
Caleb: "We can, because God is with us!"

exodus, ten commandments, church

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