The Ten Commandments (Based on a sermon delivered by Louise Torrens)
The Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17 - 22)
Jesus loved him.
God is a God of relationship.
Jesus looked at the young man and loved him and said "Come follow me"
Exodus 20:1 - 17
Exodus 19: 3 - 6
The israelites were in their third month of freedom when they reached Mount Sinai.
The Ten Commandments were... Given to a people who were already in a relationship with God.
God's requirement for how the Israelites' relationship with Him was to be lived out.
Commandments 1-4 deal with the Israelites relationship with God.
Commandments 5 - 10 deal with their relationship with others.
Right relationship with others is born out of a right relationship with God.
Matthew 22:37 - 40
The Greatest Commandment --> Love God ---> Love others.
The rich young ruler mistakenly thought that following the Ten Commandments would guarantee entrance into heaven after death.
Ecclesiastes 7:20
The purpose of the Ten Commandments is to make people realise that they cannot perfectly obey the law.
Romans 7:7
Romans 3:21 - 24
God has a way to make people right and it has nothing to do with the Law
He makes people right through faith in Jesus Christ. They are made right through His grace.