Updates #56

Apr 25, 2013 00:37

16 April 2012--Sees Queen Elizabeth in the library. She has read about her own history.

4 May--Kidplot. It's Glaurmir, who meets Nora Shurley and they call their respective fathers.

6 May--Glaurmir meets Scarlett, daughter of Robin and Marian.

12 May--Sees the newly arrived Captain Jack Harkness. Standard welcome.

20 May-- Crawfish boil. (Entire, 1470 comments. Sort Faramir's threads later.)

29 May-- Queen Elizabeth in the park, with a bodice-ripper novel.

5 June--Meets Mindy Macready at the grocery. She's young and new to the village so he gives her some information.

14-15 June--Overnight, the village changes. Beginning of Unification Day Plot.

16 June--Faramir takes his chance and goes up into space on the Serenity.

16 June--Shindig. Entire (584 comments). Speaks with Carrie White. Cannot access entire post.

17 June--Fighting reavers. 1 tag.

17 June--Reaver battle. Entire. Nearly 1000 comments. Will add Faramir's threads later if post fully loads.

21 June-- Charles Xavier is at the cafe and his homework papers are blowin' in the wind. Faramir helps.

23 June--Curious Olore alerts Faramir to the presence of Maximus in the park.

23 June-- Jack Harkness is in the park looking thoughtful. He and Faramir discuss the village's strangeness with the reavers. All of their friends fared well.

26 June--In the library, Spencer Reid is trying to do research on how long the village has been where it is. Faramir can offer little help but suggests that the Doctor might be a good person to ask. The Doctor? Doctor Who? Faramir has no idea what Spencer is talking about.

jack harkness, nora shurley, glaurmir, spencer reid, hoban washburne, maximus, carrie white, mindy macready, aibileen clark, elizabeth tudor, charles xavier, updates

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