Confused Relationship - chapter 8

Dec 30, 2010 19:17

title : Confused Relationship
pairing / characters : broken!Kyuhyun / Ryewook , Kyuhyun / Sungmin , Yesung / Ryewook
rating : pg
warning : girl!Sungmin , girl!Ryewook
summary : Kyuhyun and Ryewook broke up because they think they didn't have any chemistry . But they are still friends . Both of them promised that they will find a new love . Whenever Ryeowook have a date or something , Kyuhyun always spoil the mood . So , will they find a new love ? Especially Ryeowook who her ex-boyfriend always bugging her .

A/N : Hi guys!!!miss me??i miss you!!!*hugs* anyway , it's been a while right ? Mianhae!!i did want to update yesterday but rain wouldn't stop pouring(my brain is not working) and last night have a soccer match and i CANNOT miss it since Malaysia was playing~~and Malaysia won!!!!yeay!!!^^ SO EXCITED!!AND HAPPY!!i even wear Malaysia's jersey last night ...and now~~^^ ok..stop with the football thing . Anyway , I just hope you guys have a happy new year!!^^

P/S : AMMA ,,,now i know who is Bambang Pamungkas...he played last night!!!LOL

Chapter 8

The music in the cafe didn't even helped them calmed especially Sungmin who was stuck between those three . She sighed and looked at Ryeowook who send a deadly glare to Kyuhyun . Again , she sighed .

Ryeowook and Yesung was supposed to be extremely happy because they have won the competition but Kyuhyun just had to declare Ryeowook is his girlfriend . Though it hurts Sungmin . Yesung sat opposite of Sungmin , next to Kyuhyun and he can feels how Kyuhyun and Ryeowook were so tensed .

"So , coffee anyone?"Sungmin asked
"No thanks"Kyuhyun and Ryeowook said at the same time
"I would love to"Yesung said . He stood up to buy the coffee so was Sungmin . Leaving Kyuhyun and Ryeowook alone , exchanging glares

"I hate you"Ryeowook said
"You didn't even tell me you're in a competition"
"So what?"
"You should at least tell me"
"I'm not your girlfriend"
"Was . And our mom still thinks we're together"
"I hate you and you didn't even tell me Yesung .. I mean Mr.Yesung is your cousin"
"You should know"
"Why should I?!"
"Because we know each other since little"
"And now , what?!"

"Coffee??"Yesung suddenly came and asked them
"NO!"and Ryeowook just had to shout at him . She gasped and quickly said sorry to him

"It's okay Ryeowook"Yesung said as he sat followed by Sungmin

"So , can you guys explain everything ? It feels awkward now"Sungmin said
"You know everything right?"Kyuhyun asked Sungmin in a low tone and she gulped
"N-no . I didn't know that Mr.Yesung is your cousin"

"Mr.Yesung , Kyuhyun and I are just...friends . Don't misunderstood"Ryeowook said , giving Yesung her puppy eyes look
"Sorry that I didn't tell you that Kyuhyun is my cousin . Besides I didn't know that Kyuhyun and you know each other"
"Hyung , Ryeowook was my girlfriend actually . Our mom still thought that we are together . So that's why I ... still care about Ryeowook"
"You care about me?!"Ryeowook asked Kyuhyun , surprised by his word
"As a friend . You're actually like my sister and best friend."

"So , you have no feelings toward Ryeowook?"Sungmin suddenly asked and Kyuhyun nodded
"So does this mean , I can .... have..Ryeowook?"Yesung asked and Kyuhyun nodded .
"Wait , have?!"Kyuhyun asked Yesung
"I like Ryeowook"Yesung said straight foward , looking at Ryeowook
"I like you"Yesung said again and Ryeowook blushed madly .

"So sweet"Sungmin squealed and Kyuhyun rolled his eyes

"Do you really like me ? Mr.Yesung?"Ryeowook asked him shyly
"Yes . And I hope .. you like me back"

"I'm out of here"Kyuhyun said , standing up
"Kyuhyun . Don't ruin the moment!"Sungmin scolded him .

Kyuhyun bowed and walked out from the cafe followed by Sungmin . Ryeowook pouted because Kyuhyun just ruined her perfect moment with Yesung . She can feel that Yesung hold himself from punching his own cousin .

"Sorry . Kyuhyun just have to ruin it right ? Anyway , as I was saying . Can we go for a date ? Or maybe , let's date"
"If you think that it's to early , I can wait"
"N-no . I-i would l-love to be y-your ...girlfriend"Ryeowook said shakily as she can't hold herself from blushing
"So , that's mean we're together?"
"I guess so"

Yesung smiled and hold Ryeowook's shaky hand . And both of them can't feel any happier than this moment .

Sungmin was running behind Kyuhyun . She tried to catch up but Kyuhyun walked very fast as if he was running . Sungmin gasped and called Kyuhyun by his name . Kyuhyun stopped and turned around annoyingly .

"Are you mad?"Sungmin asked , still gasping
"You looked mad"
"I'm okay .. It's just that .. that"
"Kyuhyun , do you still ... love Ryeowook?"
"No . It's funny how she likes Yesung who is her lecturer and also my cousin"he smirked
"It's not funny . That is call love"

They both now walking side by side towards Kyuhyun apartment . Both of them didn't uttered a single word untill they reached the elevator

"Everything spilled but they didin't know we..kind of live together right?"Sungmin asked
"Yup . And don't tell them . We're dead if they know"

"Thanks"Sungmin said when they were in the elevator
"For what?"
"For letting me stay"
"No prob"Kyuhyun said , patting Sungmin head

When the were inside Kyuhyun's studio apartment , Sungmin went to the kitchen to prepare dinner like usual . As for Kyuhyun , he turned on the tv . While Sunmin was making dinner , Kyuhyun quietly went behind her back and scared her .

He chuckled when Sungmin surprised and she pouted cutely . Kyuhyun cupped her face and laughed

"Are you mad?"he asked
"Don't be . You're so cute to be mad"Kyuhyun said as he pinched Sungmin's cheek . Sungmin blushed and quickly continued making dinner .

After they had their dinner , Kyuhyun suggested they watched movies together . Horror movies to be exact . Sungmin hates those stuff but Kyuhyun begged her and she have no other choice .

Whenever a ghost appeared , Sungmin shouted and hugged Kyuhyun . Kyuhyun smirked and hugged her back . He thought Sungmin was to cute that he wanted to pause the movie and kiss Sungmin . But Sungmin was shaking because she was so scared .

When the movie ended , Sungmin was still hugging Kyuhyun . Kyuhyun patted her head and she looked up.

"You're scared?"Kyuhyun asked and she nodded . He chuckled and turned off the tv
"I'm going to take a bath"he said when he stood up from the sofa
"Kyuhyun , wait . C-can you , let me hug your for a while"

Kyuhyun sat back and hugged Sungmin . Sungmin snuggled closer and she felt so warm and happy

"You're cute , you know that"Kyuhyun asked as he caressed Sungmin's hair
"I know"she said chuckling

Suddenly , Kyuhyun lifted Sungmin chin and kissed her on the lips . Sungmin froze as she was shocked that Kyuhyun kissed her . Kyuhyun felt that Sungmin didin't respond his kiss , so he pulled Sungmin's head closer and deepen the kiss . She closed her eyes as she was melted into the kiss . He licked her bottom lips and she moaned

They pull apart and looked into each other eyes .

A/N : I donnow how to end this chap...FAIL!!! T_T

super junior, sungmin, confused relationship, yewook, ryeowook, kyuhyun, kyumin, yesung, kyuwook

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