Confused Relationship - chapter 7

Dec 21, 2010 22:21

title : Confused Relationship
pairing / characters : broken!Kyuhyun / Ryewook , Kyuhyun / Sungmin , Yesung / Ryewook
rating : pg
warning : girl!Sungmin , girl!Ryewook
summary : Kyuhyun and Ryewook broke up because they think they didn't have any chemistry . But they are still friends . Both of them promised that they will find a new love . Whenever Ryeowook have a date or something , Kyuhyun always spoil the mood . So , will they find a new love ? Especially Ryeowook who her ex-boyfriend always bugging her .

Chapter 7

Lately , Ryeowook felt so grateful because Kyuhyun gave her some freedom . He seldom called Ryeowook or even met her at the university . Eventhough she felt very suspicious , she was really happy about it . And today was her competition day . Ryeowook can't get help getting excited and nervous at the same time .

Ryeowook woke up extra early and quickly showered . After that , she opened her wardrobe and took out the white dress she bought with Yesung . They went shopping for their attire together . And yes , Ryeowook was thrilled about that too . It was strapless white dress . After she done her make-up and wore her beautiful dress , she stepped out from her room and headed towards the kitchen . Her mom , who was making breakfast , gasped ,looking at her

"Ommo ! My beautiful Ryeowook ! You looked like a bride"her mom squealed
"Mom"she whined cutely , and hide her blushing face.
"So , tell me , why didn't you want Kyuhyun to know you participate in this competition?"her mom asked her
"Because ....because I don't want him to tease me . He didn't know that I can sing"she said , pouting
"Aww , is my baby shy ? I think you boyfriend will be so grateful to have a good voice girlfriend"

"If she only knew that we broke up"Ryeowook said in her mind . And she can only smile .

Yesung stood infront of his huge mirror in his walk-in wardrobe . He smiled and do a very macho pose . Wearing white tux was never his style . But he have to say , this tux have a nice feeling to it .

He looked at his wrist watch and gasped when it shows 12PM . He was late . He then quickly took his car key and locked the door . As fats as lightning , he dashed towards the venue of the competition .

Sungmin was getting ready to go to Ryeowook's competition . As her bestfriend , Sungmin was very supportive . When she took her purse on the dressing table , Kyuhyun woke up . Last night , Kyuhyun slept on the bed whereas she slept on the sofa . Kyuhyun looked at her and sighed

"Where are you going?"he asked with his sleepy voice
"Somewhere you never know"she said , looking at Kyuhyun back
"Where are you going ? Who will make me breakfast?"
"I already made you some breakfast , and it's 12PM now , it supposed to be lunch"
"Min , where are you going?"
"My ...grandparent's house"she was lying to him . Hell no she would tell Kyuhyun about Ryeowook's competition . Ryeowook would kill her if she do .

Kyuhyun sighed and hugged his pillow again . Sungmin said goodbye and walked out from the house . Suddenly , Kyuhyun's phone rang . He lazily picked up the phone and saw Yesung's ID .

"Yah , Cho Kyuhyun ! Are you still asleep?"
"You promised me to support me at the competition"
"Wake up you fool!"
"Fine , I'll be there in .......1 hour"
"The competition starts 30 minutes from now"
"I'll be there before you sing"
"You better be"

Kyuhyun hang up and cursed slightly . He then , walked towards the bathroom and getting ready to meet Yesung .

Yesung and Ryeowook was waiting patiently at backstage . Ryeowook can't help getting so nervous , and she hates it when no one is there to hug her . Where is Sungmin when she needed her?!Ryeowook pouted and Yesung noticed her state . He chuckled and holding her tremble hands

"Are you nervous?"he asked . Ryeowook looked at him and nodded
"I'll bet you will do great . And besides this bracelet will give you some confidence"he said about the bracelet he gave . Ryeowook smiled lovingly at him and hold his hand tighter . And both of them blushed .

Suddenly , someone did a fake cough infront of them . When they looked up , they saw Sungmin smirked . Ryeowook let go of Yesung's hand and hugged Sungmin tightly

"You're here!!!"Ryeowook said , happily
"L-let g-go ! C-can't br-breath!"Sungmin was gasping for air . And thank God , Yesung managed to pull Ryeowook from killing her own bestfriend
"Thanks for coming Miss Sungmin"Yesung said to Sungmin
"I'm glad to be here , Mr.Yesung"she smiled
"Mr.Yesung , I thought your cousin is coming to support you"
"Well , he is . But I don't know where he is"
"Anyway , when are you guys going to sing?"Sungmin asked
"Not sure yet . But we will sing after 2 performances."Ryeowook answered
"Well , then I should be sitting at the audience seat . See you later and good luck ! Make me proud!!"Sungmin said before she gave a kiss on Ryeowook's cheek and bowed to Yesung .

When Sungmin was about to go sit at the audience , she noticed Kyuhyun walked into the hall . She gasped and froze .

"What is he doing here?!"she said in her mind ,panicking

Kyuhyun looked around and saw Sungmin stared shockingly at him . He smirked and walked towards her

"I thought you were at your grandparent's"he said at Sungmin
"W-well , I-i ."she can't think of anything and bit her bottom lips
"I came here to see my grandparents singing!"she said quickly . Kyuhyun raised his brows and chuckled
"You're lying aren't you?"
"Yes . No!"
"Admit it"
"W-what are you doing here?"she tried to change the subject
"Supporting my cousin. He begged me to come here"
"I see"
"Let's sit together then"he said before pulling Sungmin and sat at the vacant seats

When they sat , Sungmin was about to text Ryeowook about Kyuhyun but she was too late when the MC announced Ryeowook and Yesung's name

"It's my cousin ! And Miss Ryeowook . Why does her n-"Kyuhyun suddenly froze and shocked to see his cousin , Yesung , standing on the stage with his ex-girlfriend , Ryeowook
"You're not telling me something"Kyuhyun said at Sungmin , with his low voice
"eheh"Sungmin let out her scared laugh .

Ryeowook was about to get into the sing , when she noticed Kyuhyun sat next to Sungmin . She saw Sungmin mouthed sorry and Kyuhyun looked sharply at her .

"I'm dead"she whispered softly . Ryeowook closed her eyes and took a deep breath . Yesung starts to sing first , followed by her .

When they get off from the stage , Yesung felt so happy that they did well . He turned around and cupped Ryeowook's face . And she was a bit startled by the sudden action

"You did well Ryeowook ! Though I can feel you a bit tense at the beginning , but you did well ! I'm so proud of you"Yesung then hugged her . Ryeowook was blushing madly and said thanks when they pulled apart .

Yesung's hand was still at her waist when they pulled apart . Suddenly , he leaned closer towards her and Ryeowook knew , he was about to kiss her . She closed her eyes and then

"Good work cousin!"Kyuhyun said , patting Yesung's shoulder
"Cousin?!"Ryeowook shouted
"Thanks man . Oh yeah , Ryeowook , this is my cousin , Ch-"Yesung said when he pulled away from Ryeowook and gave Kyuhyun a handshake
"You know each other?"Yesung asked
"She is my girlfriend"Kyuhyun said calmly
"You're my ex!"Ryeowook said , putting her hand on her hips
"You guys are what?!"Yesung asked shockingly

Sungmin who was standing behind Kyuhyun let out a heavy sighed
"And here goes the drama"she said to herself

A/N : sorry for lack of YeWook~~~~~anyway , the DRAMA begins!!!muahahahaha!!

fanfiction, super junior, sungmin, confused relationship, yewook, ryeowook, kyuhyun, kyumin, kyuwook, yesung

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