I like You - Part 2

Nov 26, 2017 17:32

Ohno knocked on the door of Nino's room, hoping the other guy will open it. He went to the store room after work but the other cleaners said Nino went home early because he wasn't feeling well. He was worried for Nino. Nino never take a day off no matter how tired he was.

It took a while but Nino finally opened the door. Ohno didn't know how to describe how happy he was to see the door opened even though Nino seems to be in bad mood. However, his annoyed face was quickly replaced with a smile.

"Sorry, I thought it was Aiba," said Nino. He opened the door wider to let Ohno in. This is the first time Ohno entered Nino's room. Usually, they would just talked outside.

"Sorry, my room is a mess. Sit on the couch," said Nino as he took a few clothes that were lying on the couch and put it on the bed.

"The others said you were not feeling well. Have you go to the doctor?"

"Waste of money. I would feel better after sleeping,"

"Have you eat dinner? I brought food," said Ohno, pointing at the food containers that he put on the table when Nino let him in.

"Thank you. How much is it?" Asked Nino, taking out his wallet to pay. But, Ohno stopped him.

"It's my treat,"


"I always eat your breakfast for free. Consider it as a payment,"

"Then, I will have to pay for your shoulder,"

"Letting you use my shoulder doesn't cost me anything,"

He could see Nino wanted to argue but he interrupted him first.

"Once in a while, let us pampered you,"

"Okay, whatever you say. Let's eat together,"

Before either of them could start eating, someone knocked on the door. Looking annoyed, Nino stood up to open the door, muttering something about Aiba.

"Aiba, I haven't co..." Ohno was puzzled to see Nino become speechless. He wonders who was at the door and stood up to see who the guest was. Much to his surprise, it was Jun.

"Hello, I just move in downstairs. I would like to invite you for a housewarming party." Said Jun. When he noticed Ohno next to Nino, he quickly added. "Ohno san, I wanted to invite you in the office but you left before I could say anything. Aiba chan and Sho san are already here,"

"Thanks for the invitation," said Nino coldly. "Unfortunately, I'm not feeling well and I don't want to infect your guests with my virus,"

Nino left the door to sit back at the couch. Ohno wasn't surprised with the way Nino's mood suddenly changed. He had suspected something between Nino and Jun and looking at the way Nino talked to Jun, he was convinced both of them had history together.

"Thanks, Matsumoto san. I would love to go but someone needs to take care of Nino," said Ohno.

"Well, if you want, I could bring some food here,"

"It's okay. Thanks for inviting us," said Ohno, quickly closed the door before Jun could persuade him more.

"This is a very good opportunity to get close to your crush," said Nino from the couch. Ohno looked at him in confusion as he couldn't understand what Nino meant by that.

"You like him, right? Why don't you go there and get to know him? I can take care of myself,"

Ah, he finally understood what Nino was talking about. It's about Sho's stupid bluff this morning.

"I'm not interested with Jun. It was a misunderstanding,"

"Really? I totally understand if you like him. He has an aura,"

"How about you? Do you like him?"

"Euwww... He is totally not my type,"

"I notice that you were a little hostile towards Jun. Are you perhaps..."

Ohno was in a dilemma. Should he continue with what he wanted to say? Should he ask if Nino knew Jun before seeing him today? Was Jun perhaps the guy he was talking about earlier? But... Nino looked tense as he said that. He doesn't want to jeopardize the good relationship he had with Nino. Maybe he shouldn't ask about it yet.

"... Jealous because Sho said I like Jun," that's what he said instead. He doesn't miss how relief Nino looked when he asked a completely different question.

"Get a little conceited, are you?" Said Nino.

"Well, you used to like me. So, knowing I like someone else might make you a little unfriendly towards the other guy,"

"Whatever, Ohchan. Just finish your food then you should get home,"

Ohno get distracted from thinking about Nino and Jun with the way Nino answered his question. Nino didn't deny what he said so maybe he was genuinely like him back then. Was there a possibility that he still likes Ohno?

"Good morning, Ohno san," greeted Jun the next morning.

Ohno only nodded his head back at Jun. He was very sleepy. He went home late yesterday. He helped clean up Nino's house after eating while the other guy was sleeping. When he got home, he couldn't sleep. So, he woke up late this morning and hasn't get the chance to see Nino yet.

"Ohchan!" Said Aiba cheerfully, putting a food container on Ohno's table before taking his seat. "Your breakfast and lunch. Made for you by your beloved Nino,"

Ohno smiled widely to know Nino made lunch for him. He knew it was to repay for dinner yesterday but it still made him feel happy. He can't wait to see Nino at lunch later.

Ohno walked alone to the storeroom. Sho and Aiba went for a lunch meeting with a client so he would be alone with Nino during lunch. However, when he approached the store room, he could hear people talking loudly inside. One of the voice belongs to Nino while the other one was.... Jun's.

Should he walk away? But, he wanted to know what happened between Nino and Jun. If he walked away, he won't get another chance to know. However, he would betray Nino if he eavesdrop. He knew Nino was sensitive towards betrayal so if he violated his privacy, Nino would definitely hate him.

Before he could decide what to do, the door was opened from the inside. Standing in front of him was Jun. He looked furious to see Ohno there.

"You hate me for betraying you. Look at what your beloved Ohno did! Eavesdropping on our conversation. It is a betrayal, right? Would you hate him? Of course not!"

That was what Jun said before leaving both of them alone. Ohno stood awkwardly at the door. Should he get inside to console Nino? He looked upset.

"I'm sorry," said Ohno, deciding he couldn't left Nino alone at the moment.

"What did you hear?"

"Well.. Nothing... It seems like a lie but I'm not lying. I'm too busy deciding whether I want to go or listen and the conversation ended before I could decide what to do," he answered honestly.

His answer caused Nino to laugh. A genuine laugh. Not a mocking laugh. He doesn't know what was funny but he was relief to see Nino laugh.

"You are so cute. A little bit too honest but that is what I like about you. I still remember how you rejected me with that straight face. It hurts at first but I'm glad because it helps me to get over the rejection quickly,"

"Can I take that rejection back?" Said Ohno without thinking. Nino wasn't the only one who was surprised. Ohno was even more surprised with what he just said.

"What?" Asked Nino.

"Just ignore. I speak without thinking,"

"No no. I want to know exactly what you mean with that,"

Ohno sighed loudly. There's no way Nino would let him go, right?

"I like you," said Ohno. Nino approached him with a shy smile. The same smile he gave him years ago when he confessed to Ohno. He held Ohno's hand as he stood in front of Ohno.

"So... What do you want me to do?" Said Nino, letting go of Ohno's hand. It was in the same intonation as to what Ohno said before. Ohno was surprised. Nino just rejected him, right?

Then, Nino gave him the sweetest smile ever, which makes him confused.

"There's no way I'm going to reject you. Just letting you feel how I felt when you rejected me back then," Nino then leaned closer to give him a quick kiss. "I like you too!"

"Why don't you ask me?" said Nino as they were walking together after work.

"Ask you what?"

"About me and Jun. Aren't you curious to know what happened between us?"

"Tell me when you're ready, okay?"

"Okay. But, just so you know, Jun is my ex-boyfriend,"

A/N: I don't know why I ended it like that. Maybe because I thought of making a continuation from Nino's POV. This is one is for Ohno's birthday and that's why I want to make it from Ohno's POV. I know it's weird but I hope it's okay. I get the idea from a Korean drama, Revolutionary Love. In the drama, the hero was Aiba's character. The heroine was like Nino, always charged the hero for food she made for him. So, when I watched the drama, I remembered both Aimiya. In the drama, Ohno's character was sort of regretting for rejecting Nino's character in the past and was jealous to see she gets close to Aiba's character. But, I couldn't imagine Aimiya together so that's why it was different than what I initially thought of writing. Anyway, let me know what you think of this in comment. Thank you!

i like you, ohmiya, fanfic

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