I like You

Nov 26, 2017 17:31

Title: I like You


Summary: Ohno rejected Nino when he confessed even though he actually likes Nino. Years later, they met again.

"I like you,"

Ohno stared blankly at the guy who stood in front of him. The other guy was smiling shyly at him as he waited for Ohno's response.

"So...." Replied Ohno coldly. "What do you want me to do?"

Ohno checked the address given by Aiba again. He received a text message from Aiba, telling him to come to the address as he was in trouble and needed Ohno's help. The address was correct but he wasn't sure if he was in the right place. How could Aiba, the heir of a wealthy family, ended up in the low cost residential area? Well, Aiba is friendly and wouldn't mind the status but, still he couldn't imagine Aiba hanging around this area.

Or maybe Aiba was lost and ended up in this area. Even with GPS on his phone, Aiba will still get lost sometimes. But, he didn't see Aiba's car anywhere around the area so he wasn't sure if Aiba gave him the right address.

Ohno was ready to call Aiba to confirm the place when someone shouted his name. He looked for the source and saw Aiba was waving and shouting his name from the roof of the building in front of him.

"My friend, you're finally here! Quick! Come to the roof!" Said Aiba cheerfully, pointing at the stairs to the roof.

Ohno stared at his friend for a while. He still couldn't believe Aiba would hang out at this place. He remembered Aiba told him he's going out with a friend to have fun after work. But, he assumed Aiba will go to a bar.

"What are you waiting for? Come here!" Aiba shouted once again. This time someone smacked his head from the back. Ohno couldn't look at the other person as he was hidden behind Aiba.

Without waiting for Aiba to scream once again, Ohno immediately ran up the stairs to get to the roof. As he approached the roof, he could hear Aiba laughed and talked excitedly with someone and they seem to be close. He wonders who is Aiba's new friend. Both he and Aiba had knew each other since they were kids. They were not that close but he thought he knew all of Aiba's friend. Now that he thought of it, he didn't see Aiba much lately and maybe it's because Aiba was busy with his new friend.

"Do you want another bowl of rice? I will charge you 300 yen," said the other guy. He didn't hear Aiba said yes but he could hear running footsteps. He assumed the other guy ran to get the bowl of rice.

It's weird. The voice sounds familiar but he couldn't put a name to the voice.

Arrived at the roof, he noticed there was a small room on the top of the roof and Aiba was eating at a table outside. A guy came out of the room, holding a bowl of rice for Aiba. As he looked at the other guy, he realized why he knew the voice.

"Ohchan, this is Nino. Nino, this is Ohchan," with his mouth full of rice, Aiba introduced both of them. Both of them were surprised to see each other and neither were talking at first. Aiba was oblivious to the awkwardness between them and invited them to join him at the table.

"Finish your food if you want to talk," once again, Aiba was smacked from the back by Nino. Ohno was curious to know how both Aiba and Nino met. Perhaps they worked in the same department before Aiba was transferred to Ohno's department a few weeks ago. It's weird, though. He knew Nino because they studied in the same class. Nino was amazing. Perhaps not as amazing as their team leader, Sakurai Sho. But, Nino deserved to be in the first division more than Ohno.

"I know him, Aiba chan. We took a few classes together," said Ohno, taking the gyoza on the table. Aiba, on the other hand, was surprised to hear him.

"Nino, you didn't tell me you went to university. I thought you were a high school graduate,"

"Of course I went to university. How else would I know all those stuffs I told you if I didn't go to university,"

"I thought it's because you're a genius,"

Nino didn't say anything in return. Instead he glared at Aiba as if to tell him to drop the subject.

"So..." Ohno took another gyoza. "Did you worked together with Aiba chan before he was transferred to our department?"

"No. I am a cleaner for Aiba Group. I met Aiba when he made a mess in the toilet,"

"Hey, I'm in a hurry and that's why I didn't notice the sign,"

A cleaner? Did Ohno heard him right? Ohno looked at the guy in front of him, trying to see if Nino tricked him. However, Nino's face remained expressionless as he scrolled his phone.

"Oh, before I forget, Ohno san..." Nino put his phone away. "... I will charge you 100 yen for each gyoza you eat,"

"What?" Ohno looked at Nino in disbelief as he ate his third gyoza.

"One piece is 100 yen. That is your third gyoza. So it will be 300 yen," explained Nino.

"Just pay him, Ohchan," said Aiba as he requested for another bowl of rice.

"You eat a lot, Aiba chan. It's almost 2000 yen,"

"It's delicious!" Said Aiba which makes Nino smiled widely at him. Then, he looked at his phone before sighing loudly.

"Well, as much as I love spending time with you, you need to finish quickly. I need to go to work in 15 minutes,"

Turns out, the reason Aiba asked him to go to Nino's house is because he needed a ride to get home. Both of them took the train to Nino's house after work because Nino didn't like to be in Aiba's car. So, Aiba left the car in the company. He was too lazy to take the train back to the company to get his car and that's why he asked Ohno for help.

"So, is Nino really a cleaner?" Asked Ohno. He still couldn't believe what Nino told him earlier.

Aiba nodded his head.

"But, why? He couldn't find any job?"

"How was he in college?" Instead of answering, Aiba asked him another question.

"Well..." Ohno began. "... I don't really know him. But, he was great. One of the best students in the class,"

"I thought so. You know how I couldn't do anything at work before, right?"

Ohno nodded his head. Aiba's father wanted him to learn from the bottom and that's why he was placed in the second division of marketing department. Everyone had been warned not to treat Aiba differently just because he was the CEO's son. From what he heard, Aiba was very terrible at work. He keep making mistake and at the end, the only work he was entrusted to do was making photocopy of document. But, around three months ago, he had improved and managed to win a few contracts for the company. That's why he was transferred to the first division.

"Well, I've become better at work because of Nino," said Aiba. Then, he started telling Ohno how Nino changed him.

They met when Aiba accidentally used a faulty toilet. Nino had put a sign on the door of the toilet but Aiba didn't notice it. When Aiba screamed because of what happened in the toilet, Nino rushed in. He cursed at Aiba because of what he did. His words were very harsh to hear. Aiba ended up crying because he couldn't do anything properly in his life. Nino was flabbergasted to see him crying. In front of the stranger he just met, Aiba expressed how he truly felt. Nino didn't say anything as he listened to Aiba's story.

"That's how you met? What happened after that?"

"Well, I felt much better after that. Then, he said instead of crying, I should improve myself. I went back to the office, volunteer to do a proposal... Everyone was snickering at me, some even said I don't even know how to use excel so how can I make a proposal but I don't let it bothers me. I met Nino again and he offered to help me with the proposal... For a price.... That man put a price for everything..."

"He do the proposal for you?" asked Ohno for clarification. However, Aiba shook his head immediately.

"I made it myself. He checked for me, taught me how to use excel, prepare a list of tips on how to negotiate with subcontractors. Nino was amazing. He was small but he could do a lot of things,"

"Yeah... But, why is he working as a cleaner?"

Aiba didn't answer him immediately.

"I don't know,"

"What do you mean? You never ask him?"

"When I was transferred to the first division, I offered to help him get a job in the company. But, he rejected my offer. He said he was happier doing part time jobs than working for a company. But, I could tell he had another reason for doing so. I won't ask him now, though,"

Ohno didn't say anything in return. Nino had always been a mystery for him. Back in university, he was friendly to everyone but spend most of his time alone. He never join any clubs or gathering or vacation. And now, why is someone as talented as him, preferred to do part time jobs? The biggest mystery he had been thinking about, why did Nino confessed to him back then? A prank or he genuinely likes him?

Ohno arrived one hour earlier at the office on the next day. Aiba had been ringing the bell of his house, begging Ohno to give him a ride to the company. Ohno didn't want to argue with him early in the morning so he easily complied. When they arrived, instead of going to their office, Aiba went the opposite way. Ohno was curious to know where he was going to so he followed him to a small store room in the first floor.

When he opened the door, Nino was sitting on the table, eating breakfast.

"Yeah, you make egg sandwich today. I love your egg sandwich!" Said Aiba excitedly, taking a seat opposite Nino.

Ohno stood awkwardly at the door, not knowing if he was allowed to join them for breakfast.

"What are you waiting for, Ohchan? If you don't eat now, I will finish the sandwiches," said Aiba. "Oh, and it's only 200 yen,"

As he hasn't had breakfast yet, he didn't think twice to accept the offer. He took a seat next to Nino and took one of the sandwiches.

"200 yen per sandwich?" Asked Ohno. Aiba nodded his head on behalf of Nino.

"Aiba chan," said Nino. "I don't bring lunch today. I finished work at 4 am today so I don't have time to prepare lunch,"

4 am? There's only one job Ohno could think of and he found himself praying hard that it wasn't the kind of job Nino was doing.

"It's okay. Let's eat together in the cafeteria today," suggested Aiba. Nino shook his head.

"I don't like the food in the cafeteria," answered Nino.

His refusal to eat in the cafeteria made Ohno wonders if it's because he didn't have enough money. Food in the cafeteria was quite expensive. He wanted to ask why Nino wouldn't find a proper job but was distracted when Nino suddenly put his head on Ohno's shoulder. He turned to look at the other guy but he was sleeping soundly. When he wanted to wake Nino up, Aiba stopped him.

"Let him sleep. He was tired," Ohno nodded his head. Being this close with Nino made him having a few thoughts. Once again, he was reminded of the day Nino confessed to him. Why was he being an asshole back then?

15 minutes later, Aiba told him to wake Nino up because it was almost the time for Nino to start working. Nino was a light sleeper. Ohno barely touched him and his eyes were already opened.

"That was a good nap. Ohno san's shoulder is really comfortable," said Nino. "Thank you,"

"1000 yen," said Aiba suddenly which made both Nino and Ohno raised an eyebrow at him.

"The price for the pillow," said Aiba, pointing at Ohno's shoulder.

"It's too expensive!" Answered Nino. "You charged me 500 yen only when I used your shoulder,"

"Well, you keep complaining I moved too much that's why mine is cheaper. Ohchan barely moved so that's why his shoulder was expensive,"

Nino was about to protest but Ohno stopped both of them.

"Just make me more gyoza and you don't have to pay me anything,"

"Sounds like a deal for me. You haven't paid for yesterday's gyoza, right? So, you can have five more gyoza for free," Ohno nodded his head in agreement.

The door of the room was opened and Ohno was surprised to see Sho comes in. Sho was also surprised to see him.

"Ohchan, what brings you here?" Asked Sho.

"What brings you here?" Asked Ohno back.

"To eat breakfast," answered Sho. He took the last sandwich and sat next to Aiba. "Besides, I have something to ask Nino,"

"What is it?" Asked Nino as he was getting ready to leave the room. "Care to tell me as we walked? I have to start cleaning the toilet now,"

"Sure," said Sho and both of them left the room together.

"Well, maybe we should get going too," said Aiba and Ohno followed him. He had more to ask Aiba now.

"So, Nino was working until 4 am? What was he doing?"

"Oh, construction of the road in the middle of the night,"

Ohno was relief to know it wasn't the job he was thinking about.

"Sho chan also knows Nino?"

Aiba then told him how Sho met Nino. It happened one morning when Sho was already in the office when Aiba arrived. Aiba invited him for breakfast and since then, Sho often come to the store room. Usually, it was because he wanted to ask Nino's opinion with his market research.

"Has Sho ever offered Nino a job?"

"Same result. Nino rejected. Sho said it was a waste but I advised him not to push Nino about it. I wish I know why Nino was stubborn,"

"How long has Nino been working here?"

"6-7 months, I think," answered Aiba. It was quite long. It makes Ohno wondered why he never saw him before.

For the next few weeks, Ohno shamelessly joined both Nino and Aiba for breakfast in the store room. Sho would also joined them but he usually come when it's almost time for work.

At first, Nino had been calling him Ohno san but changed it to Ohchan when he requested him to do so. Though they often together, he never had a chance to be alone with Nino. Until one fine morning. He woke up earlier than usual and so he went to the office early. Nino was alone in the room when he arrived. Aiba was nowhere to be seen.

"Ohno san!" Said Nino with a smile. "You're early,"

"I'm hungry," answered Ohno. He sat next to Nino.

"Well, then, I have more time to sleep on your shoulder," said Nino, putting his head on Ohno's shoulder. Since the first time they have breakfast together, Nino had constantly used his shoulder as pillow to sleep. In return, he gets to eat the breakfast for free, which earned complaints from Aiba.

"Was it awkward to see me again?" Asked Nino suddenly. "You barely talk to me after I confessed back then. Do you hate me?"

"Awkward at first. I don't hate you. Do you hate me for rejecting you?"

Nino shook his head.

"Ohchan..." Said Nino softly. "Do you think I'm stupid for doing this? Should I accept Sho's offer to help me get a job here?"

Ohno didn't answer the question immediately. He took his time to give appropriate response. But, he couldn't think of anything. So, he asked the same question to Nino.

"Do you think you're stupid for doing this?"

"No. But, I think I am a coward,"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm afraid of the future," answered Nino. Ohno gave him a questioning look as he didn't understand what Nino meant. If Nino was afraid of the future, it's better for him to find a secure job, right?

"I don't want to be betrayed by a friend again, Ohchan. It hurts a lot to get kick out from the company because of betrayal, all because of the competition among colleague. Stupid me for being so nai..."

Almost immediately, Nino stopped talking when they heard someone opened the door. Silently, Ohno cursed Aiba for coming in at the wrong moment. Nino just told him something that he bet no one else had ever heard about. He doubt he will ever get the chance again.

"You and Nino look cute together," said Aiba as both of them walked together after a meeting.

"I agree," Sho, who was walking alone behind them, suddenly interrupted.

"Whatever, we're just friend," said Ohno in return. But both Sho and Aiba giggled to hear what he said.

"What?" He asked them.

"Nothing," answered Aiba. "You guys are friend but it's obvious you like him. I see how your eyes sparkled each time you see him,"

"Huh? That's a lie," said Ohno, denying what Aiba was saying. Even though he couldn't see his face right now, he bet it was really red.

"It's cute to see you deny your feeling for him," said Sho. "Well, you have to work harder. I don't think he has the same feeling as you,"

What Sho said caught Ohno off guard. He couldn't hide his disappointment to hear that.

"Look! If you don't like him, you won't look so sad to hear what Sho chan said,"

"Ohchan likes someone? Who is it?" Everyone was so surprised to see Nino in front of them.

"A new guy in the department," answered Sho, pointing at Matsumoto Jun who had been working with them since yesterday. Both he and Aiba exchanged a mischievous look. Ohno ignored them. He focused his attention to Nino, hoping to see a hint of jealousy on Nino's face. However, Nino didn't seem to be jealous at all. It's frustrating to admit Sho was right.

However, he also noticed something else when Nino looked at Jun. For a brief second, he thought he saw anger in Nino's eyes to see Jun. But, why would Nino look at Jun that way? He turned to look at both Aiba and Sho, to see if they noticed the slight change in Nino but both are still grinning idiotically at him.

"Well, I wish you luck then," said Nino. His voice sounds bitter and without saying goodbye, he left the three of them alone. This time, both Aiba and Sho finally realized there was something wrong about Nino.

"Do you think he is jealous?" Asked Aiba.

"Maybe," answered Sho. "That means you have a chance, right?"

Ohno ignored both of them. No, Nino was indifferent at first when he heard Ohno likes someone. But, he changed after he looked at Jun. So, the changes in his attitude weren't because of the jealousy. It's because he was angry at Jun. But, why?

Part 2

i like you, ohmiya, fanfic

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