Magika - Chapter 18 (New)

Mar 28, 2017 15:49

Ohno had a hard time digesting what his mother told him. First, his mother accidentally told him that his father wasn’t a wizard. So, he quickly assumed that he was related to The Stranger because of his mother. Then, his mother said that she cannot control witches and wizards like Ohno did and he got the ability from his father. His father became a wizard after their first night together but what does she mean by that?

He and the rest of his friends waited for his mother to continue talking but she didn’t. Instead, she looked at the other adults in the room, eyes pleading for them to explain on her behalf.

“I think you should explain it yourself,” said one of the adults. Ohno didn’t know whose father he was but he guessed it was Aiba’s because the way he smiled was similar to Aiba. “I mean… you should explain how you met him and we will take over later… when we discovered who Mamoru really is,”

Even though she seems reluctant, she nodded her head and began telling them how she met Mamoru. Even though she was from a family of wizards, her parents preferred to live among the NMF. They also frequently visited the orphanage in their neighbourhood for charity and that’s where she met Mamoru. Since she met him, they both have been good friends. Even though she shouldn’t tell him who she really was, she couldn’t help but to tell him about her being a witch. He didn’t believe her at first but when she demonstrated her magic to Mamoru, he was terrified to see it and ended up refused to see her for a while.

However, after some time, he learn to accept her true nature. When they reconciled, she shows him some tricks using Concealing Spell by writing a message in the sky that only him could see. Watching how she did the trick, Mamoru tried it for fun. Much to their surprise, Mamoru successfully performed the spell. Of course, both of them felt weird with that. He tried a few other spells and succeeded, so she thought of the possibility of Mamoru being a wizard. However, they didn’t tell anyone else because Mamoru didn’t want to do so.

Time passed and finally she graduated from Arashi Wizarding School. Both started working in their respective world but that didn’t stop them from continuing their relationship. Then, after some time, they get married and only then she found out who Mamoru really was.

A few days after their first night together, Mamoru started to have headache. He claimed that he kept hearing a lot of voices in his head whenever he is in a crowd and that made him unable to concentrate in his work. The headache keep on getting worse day by day and it makes Ohno-mama worried. One day, Mamoru got the worst headache ever and what surprised her the most was he said words that only in her mind. It’s like he is reading her mind. Of course, it reminds her of The Stranger and that’s when he asked her who The Stranger is. Though he knew a lot of things about the witch and wizard from her, she never told him about The Stranger. So, she instantly realized there was something wrong with her husband. What convinced her more was she couldn’t get close to her husband because Mamoru prevent her from doing so.

It took him a few hours for the headache to go. The only reason the pain go was because she stopped herself from thinking of anything and slowly he didn’t hear her voice in his head anymore. When he finally calm down, she told him of The Stranger and what he could do. She decided to bring him to her father for help, who was clueless as she was and suggested them to go to Kitagawa sensei.

“When your mother came to me with Mamoru and explained what happened to him, I had my suspicions. But, I couldn’t tell them anything without informing the member of council. So, even though your parents disagree at first, I brought them to meet the council whose member at that time was your grandfathers,” Kitagawa sensei took over the explanation from Ohno-mama.

“Kazunari’s grandfather was fascinated to know about Mamoru and invited both of your parents to his house where he shows them Founder Ninomiya’s diary and asked them to keep it as a secret. Just like what I suspected, he also thought that Mamoru was a descendant of Samii and that’s why Mamoru could perform a spell. He wasn’t discovered as a wizard because of what Samii did long time ago and his magical ability manifested after his marriage to your mother because he broke the rule,”

“Broke the rule?” Ohno and his friends asked simultaneously after Kitagawa sensei’s explanation.

“Were there a lot of books on healing in the secret basement you found?” asked Nino-papa. Nino nodded his head.

“Well, in the missing pages you mentioned before, Founder Ninomiya wrote about an incomplete ritual to suppress your magic, discovered by both Samii and Founder Sakurai. As you learn in history, The Stranger was the only one born with the ability to control wizard. He died without an heir and that’s why there’s no one who had that magic. However, as you know from the diary, he didn’t died in the war so if he married, his child definitely can do what he can do. Though he used to tell Founder Ninomiya that they cannot get rid of the magic in them, he kept trying to find a way to do so. With the help from Founder Sakurai, he found out that instead of getting rid of the magic, he could suppress them in a ritual. They succeeded in doing so and the only way to make the suppressant effect wear off is by a … errr….. relationship with a witch or wizard. He stayed away from the magical community to keep his descendants away from the wizards and witches. The ritual could only suppress his magical ability but he and his descendants could still perform a spell, just like what Mamoru did with Concealing Spell. But, because his other descendants never encountered a wizard, they never try to do any spells. As for Satoshi’s case, because Mamoru caused the ritual to lose its effect and gained back the ability to control wizard, Satoshi naturally inherited those ability when he was born,”

Though it’s confusing and there’s a lot for him to process, Ohno understood the explanation from Nino-papa so far. But, he was growing impatient as they hadn’t talked about how his father died and that was what he wanted to know the most. He wanted to know if the woman from the quest had anything to do with that.

“Then, how did my father died?” asked Ohno eagerly. The adults looked at each other, as if none of them were willing to talk. Looking at the way the other adults refused to explain, Kitagawa sensei took a step forward.

“Satoshi, please don’t blame yourself for what I’m going to say,” hesitantly, Ohno nodded his head. Even though he was eager to know about it before this, now, he just had a bad feeling about it. From the way the headmaster was talking… he couldn’t help but to think his father died because of him.

“Kazunari’s grandfather volunteered to help your father in controlling his newfound magic. He agreed and your parents moved nearby to Kazunari’s house. It took time but your father succeed in controlling his magic. Not only that, he became best friend with Kazunari’s father,”

“After some time, both you and Kazunari were born. Both of you were really close that you spent more time in Kazunari’s house instead of your own. Your mothers even decorated the room in Kazunari’s house for both of you. You already see Kazunari’s room. You could see your traces in the room,”

Of course, he remembered Nino’s room. He remembered being curious to see only half of the room was occupied with Nino’s stuff. Who would guess that the other half of the room was indeed belonged to him. Now that he thought of it, no wonder his friends were shocked to hear about his dream last night. Though he vaguely remembered the mural painting in Nino’s room, he was sure that the dream he had yesterday was portrayed in the painting.

Everything was okay in the beginning until both Nino and Ohno were about four years old. It was a nice day to go to the beach and that’s where they went to on that day. What happened next was exactly as he dreamt last night. But, there was more that happened later. Knowing that the castle was the reason Ohno was ignoring him, Nino decided to kick the castle when Ohno almost completed it. Ohno was stunned at first to see the castle ruined and Nino made it worse after that.

“Your castle is ruined! Let’s go to the beach now!”

Apparently Ohno became furious to see Nino show no regret for what he done to the castle. They ended up fighting with Ohno saying Nino being a pain in the ass for clinging on him and Nino defended that he was only taking care of Ohno. Ohno-mama and Nino-mama who were watching them at that time decided to let them fighting because it wasn’t the first time and it will always ended when Ohno gave up.

“Whatever! If you want to play in the beach so much, go and drown yourself so that I don’t have to see you anymore,”

Both their mothers realized how serious the argument as Ohno’s eyes were glowing as he said that and then, as if Nino was controlled by Ohno, he immediately stopped talking and walked towards the beach. Even though the mothers tried to stop Nino, Ohno’s control on him was too strong. If Mamoru didn’t come on time, Nino would….

“Stop…” Ohno couldn’t bring himself to hear more. Unconsciously, he closed his ears and shook his head repeatedly. He wasn’t aware of what was happening as he crouched on the floor, like he did in the cave yesterday. He couldn’t believe it. He almost killed Nino back then?

He felt someone sitting opposite of him and that person lifted his face. It was Nino and he was looking at him with concern. At the same time, he heard everyone else in the room gasped in surprise and wonder if there’s anything wrong with him.

“His eyes…” that was what Aiba said and instantly, he freaked out as he remembered that his eyes were glowing when he almost killed Nino back then. What did he do this time?

He scanned the surrounding to ensure everyone is okay but his eyes stopped at Kitagawa sensei. There was something wrong with the headmaster. He noticed how each time the headmaster opened his mouth to speak, it would be forced to close. It’s like someone didn’t allow him to speak.

“Oh my God,” he immediately stood up as he realized what was happening. It happened because of what he wished earlier. He didn’t want the headmaster to continue the story and wished the headmaster would stop talking. That’s why his eyes were glowing and the headmaster couldn’t talk. “What have I done?”

In just one day, he discovered new things about himself that he never know about before. He couldn’t help but to be agitated. He didn’t signed up for this when he knows he is a wizard. He felt perfectly normal since he came to this school, doing simple magic just like everyone else in the school. But, the woman… she destroyed everything. If she didn’t disturbed their quest yesterday, he didn’t have to know what he knows now and feel troubled because of it.

He didn’t know what to do now. He was afraid of a lot of things right now. What if he hurt somebody? He almost killed Nino when he was a kid, so there’s a possibility he might do something worse than that if he didn’t control his magic. But, how could he control it? There’s no one to teach him because no one else has the same magic as he do.

Nino pulled him into a hug and he couldn’t help but crying instantly as he unconsciously hugged him back and put his head to rest on Nino’s shoulder.

“Relax, Ohchan,” said Nino as he caressed the small of his back. “Remember what Sho said before? Your magic is associated with your feeling. If you’re afraid or anxious, you cannot control what you’re doing. Take a deep breath, clear your mind from your worries and try to control it,”


“Shhh... Stop worrying that you might hurt anyone because of what you can do. If you didn’t try to control it, someone will definitely get hurt. Please, Ohchan, you can do this,” said Nino, almost begging.

Ohno didn’t say anything, knowing that what Nino said was true. The only way for him to control his own magic is by controlling his feeling first. He tried to do as what Nino said and stop worrying. It wasn’t easy but when he saw the way Nino smiled encouragingly at him, it made him think that no matter what, Nino would always support him. He feel better when he thought of it.

“I think it’s working. His eyes were not glowing anymore,” he heard Aiba said but Sho immediately asked the former to shut up. A few seconds later, he heard his headmaster coughed.

“Honestly, I don’t want to experience that again,” said the headmaster. His voice sounded different.

“You couldn’t break free from his control?” asked Sho and the headmaster shook his head.

“I tried but his control on me was too strong. I think it’s because his magic was stronger when he couldn’t control his feeling. Just like in the cave, he was too afraid with the woman and that’s how the magic protected him from her,”

“But… she could escape from him. You are a powerful wizard but even you couldn’t escape. So, it means…” said Jun and everyone realized what he means. If she could escape from Ohno, it means she is much more powerful than Kitagawa sensei.

“I know she is powerful. But, maybe she could escape at that time because Ohchan feel safer when Kimura sensei came to rescue us,” said Nino. He didn’t sound convincing at all so Ohno thought that he was just trying to ease the tension they felt about the woman.

“My eyes… were they glowing in the cave too?” asked Ohno. He didn’t remember any of them talked about his glowing eyes before. But, in the other circumstances that he used his magic involuntarily, his eyes were glowing. Nino, Aiba and Sho shook their head.

“I don’t notice that. I think we pay more attention to the woman instead of you at that time,” answered Sho. “So, headmaster, can you continue your story? What happened after the beach?”

The headmaster nodded his head. Their parents, particularly Mamoru, were terrified with what happened. It was fortunate that they could stop it this time but what if it happened again? What if both Ohno and Nino got into a fight again and they were too late to stop it? All they could do is watched both of them carefully and prevent them from fighting. But, Mamoru suggested that they should get rid of Ohno’s magic, just like what Samii did a long time ago. He remembered the diary and asked for the permission to read the diary so that he could do the ritual on Ohno. But, the member of the council at that time wouldn’t allow that because the method mentioned in the diary is incomplete and might endangered Ohno if they didn’t do the ritual completely.

However, Mamoru insisted on finding way to help his son. He doesn’t want Ohno to go through the same pain he had when he started hearing voices in his head. So, he stole the diary from Nino’s grandfather. Of course, Nino’s grandfather was aware of that but he kept it as a secret from the rest of the council member because he supported Mamoru’s decision. A few books were also missing so Ohno guessed that the books Nino found in the secret basement along with the diary were also stolen by his father. He spent most of the time in Nino’s room using excuse of teaching Ohno with his magic to cover what he was actually doing. He compared what was written in the diary with every ritual he found in those books but he couldn’t find anything. So, he tried to search for other wizarding libraries in town. Maybe because it’s too dangerous to carry the diary everywhere, he removed the pages about the ritual from the diary.

One day, he went home and looked excited because he finally found a ritual to suppress one’s magic. He didn’t tell them much but he told them someone was helping him with it. That person gave him a book describing the ritual. The ritual is complicated so he hoped Ohno-mama and Nino-papa would help him with it. At first, Nino-papa refused to help because he doubted if they could trust the person who gave the method to Mamoru. However, after a few attempts to convince him, he reluctantly agreed when Mamoru said that this could be the only chance for Ohno to be normal. Mamoru suggested to try the ritual on him first to ensure it’s really working.

So, after gathering all the ingredients needed, they performed the ritual in the middle of the night of the full moon. No one else know about the ritual, not even Nino-mama. She was told to take care of Ohno and Nino while the three of them performed the ritual. During the ritual, Mamoru sat in the middle of circle drawn by the three of them. They have to draw weird symbols in the circle, as noted in the book they got. Nino-papa was responsible for the chanting. As the chanting progressed, Ohno-mama brewed a portion which Mamoru drank at the end of the ritual.

Once they finished the ritual, Mamoru immediately tried to perform his magic on Nino-papa and the ritual worked. They were excited and decided to do it on Ohno on the next day. However, before they could do anything, Mamoru collapsed and made the other two panic. They could feel his pulse but it was really weak so they immediately called Sho’s grandfather for help.

They had no choice but to tell Sho’s grandfather about the ritual they performed to get rid of Mamoru’s magic. He was furious that they didn’t consult the council first before doing anything. What made him even madder, the ritual was completely different than what was written in the diary so he didn’t understand why they even try it. They showed him the note about the ritual but he never saw a ritual like this before. The same goes with the potion they brewed. All he could say is the ingredients are all harmless individually but when they’re mixed together, it could be a poison. When he tried to examine Mamoru, there was nothing wrong with him, not even his heart, so he didn’t know what to heal. Nevertheless, he tried everything he could to save Mamoru but failed and Mamoru died because of the ritual.

After that, Ohno-mama ran away with Ohno because she didn’t want to be associated with magic anymore. Surprisingly, none of them tried to find where they are. The truth is Nino’s grandfather forbid anyone from going after them to respect Ohno’s mama decision. However, Kitagawa sensei knew their location but all he did was to keep an eye on them for their safety, decided to visit them when it was the time for Ohno to attend the school.

Now that Ohno finally know the truth of Mamoru’s death, he understood why his mother avoided talking about his father’s death. She must have been blaming herself for it because she couldn’t stop him from performing the ritual. For him, if there is anyone to be blamed, it would be him. None of this would ever happened if he didn’t attack Nino back then. His father won’t try to get rid of the magic and died because of the ritual.

He hugged his mother who was surprised with what he was doing. She must be in a lot of pain because of what happened. Not to mention, she must be constantly worried that Ohno might lose control of his magic again and caused trouble like he did before. He felt bad for making his mother worried for him.

“I’m sorry, Satoshi. I should stop your father back then,” said his mother. But, Ohno didn’t answer her. Instead, he hugged her more tightly. Everyone else watched them in silence but perhaps because she was embarrassed to be the centre of attention, slowly she let go of Ohno.

“Satoshi…” she called him softly. “Do you still want to stay here? I mean, let’s stay among NMF like we do before. It’s safer there,”

“I want to stay here,” answered Ohno. His mother pouted in disappointment.

“Are you sure? I already lost your father. I don’t want to lose you too if you insist on staying,”

“Mama, I think we both know that the woman who attacked me might be the same person who told papa about the ritual. She clearly has something against our family. Even if I go from here, she will find me and I don’t want to live in fear of her finding me. Kitagawa sensei was right. The best way to protect me is by letting me learn how to defend myself,”

She only nodded her head without saying anything. Ohno only smiled at her for understanding his decision.

“So, did you know anything about the person who helped my father?” asked Ohno.

Nino-papa shook his head and Ohno wasn’t surprised. As they said before, his father didn’t tell much about that mysterious person.

“We tried. The only clue we had was the book Mamoru got from that person. But, right after Mamoru died, the book was closed eternally. We couldn’t opened the book no matter what we tried,” answered Nino-papa. “We also went to all of the library but it wasn’t helpful. It’s either they didn’t notice Mamoru or if they noticed him, he was always alone,”

“But…” Kitagawa sensei interrupted. “Just like you said before, I think they are the same person. The one who helped Mamoru and the one who attacked you. The protection spells used for both the door and the book are similar. I think the reason we couldn’t open the book given by that person because it was sealed with her blood and the only way to open the book is with the woman’s blood,”

Ohno sensed the uneasiness from Nino when they were talking about the woman. He looked as if he was debating whether he should tell them about the woman’s appearance.

“She looks quite young when we met her,” said Aiba innocently. Of course, this gets the attention from the adults in the room.

“I mean… Looking at her face, I think she is in her early twenties,” Aiba continued babbling. “So, she has to be very young when she met… Ouch!”

Ohno didn’t know what Sho did to Aiba but it was too late. The adults already know that they saw her face.

“What do you mean? I thought you said she had her hood on all the times,”

“Well..” Nino was the one answered. “If I have an older sister, she will look like the woman who attacked us,”

“What do you mean?”

“Hmmm… I mean….. She looks like me,”

“Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” asked Sakurai-papa.

No one said anything in response. Maybe it doesn’t matter what the woman looked like because she could be deceiving them with her look. But, there could be a reason why she chose to appear like that.

“I’m sorry. I just feel uncomfortable talking about her,” said Nino. The adults didn’t say anything else regarding the woman.

Because there was nothing else to talk about, they allowed Ohno and his friends to get back to their room. Before letting them off, they had been warned not to investigate this matter and left everything to the adults. They shouldn’t tell anyone else about what they know and be careful. They shouldn’t wander around alone but in a group. Of course, they also reminded Ohno to relax and try to control his emotion.

Ohno hugged his mother one more time before going back with his friends to his room. She looked unhappy to let him go but she didn’t stopped him.

As they were walking back to the room, he could sense there was something wrong with Nino. He didn’t walk together with Ohno, instead he was walking with Sho and Aiba, asking them about what kind of illusion they saw in the cave yesterday. Even when they were back in the room, Nino kept his distance with him. He took his pillow from Ohno’s bed and lying down on his bed to get some rest. Ohno felt disappointed and sad to be treated like that. He noticed how the others were looking at them but no one said anything.

A/N: Watched the Power Rangers Movie already. Wow, it's been years since the last time I watched Power Rangers. I stopped around the middle of Dino Thunder. Honestly, I thought Power Rangers was horrible after Tommy left the show. But, the new power rangers movie was acceptable and I like Zack.
Anyway, got the idea for this chapter from American series called Grimm. In the series, the guy had a grimm power but it was once taken from him because he sleep with a bad woman pretending to be his girlfriend and in order to get his power back, he has to do the same thing with his girlfriend except that his girlfriend had to transform to be the bad woman. I like the show but this week is the finale of the finale. I'm gonna miss the team.
I hope you will enjoy this chapter and comments are <3

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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