Oct 26, 2011 21:05
Yikes! Has it been three months already? So it seems.
I do have a new laptop, a MacBook Pro. Yay! I also got an iPhone 4. Double Yay! Both are shiny and super cool.
Work is busy as usual especially this time year; we started processing Fall 2012 apps the 1st of this month. Our union is in contract negotiations. And I started playing Words With Friends among other games I downloaded from the App Store.
Nevertheless, I signed up for this year's NaNoWriMo. My writing buddy isn't doing it this year, so I'll have to figure out how to get to and from the Write-Ins in the area. I've got no story idea, no plot, no characters, but a good feeling about it all. In other words it will be very interesting this time around.
I see my LJ Friends have been busy too, and I look forward to catching up.
catching up