Jun 24, 2008 20:54
Everyone has their own signal for "yeah, it's really summer." It's hard to use temperature here, because we've had years when it has been overcast and in the mid-60s well into July (those are the years when there's usually a heatwave in February!). The insects are a much more reliable indicator...
Cali just batted down a june bug. I can't figure out if she thinks its the third-best dog toy ever or an amuse-boucle. (First place still goes to the mourning dove that flew into my living room (!!!) and then promptly committed suicide by bashing into the glass window in an attempt to exit the premises. I was finding feathers in the living room for months.)
Between the june bug (luckily the small SoCal size, not the NY monstrosities) and the mosquitoes, it's very clearly summer here!