This is Change

Aug 01, 2016 21:31

There's a lot of fear and loathing in this election. The right hates the candidate of the left and left hates the candidate of the right. My facebook feed is full of statements that the Democrats are tearing themselves apart and that the Republicans nominee is the death knell of the Republican party. Bernie supporters praised his inroads into independents and now are freaking out when some of them are going to Trump, while prominent Republicans are trying to distance themselves from their most prominent personality.

I think we're seeing a shift.
  • Peace-loving Greenies are teaming up with isolationist libertarians
  • Small government tea-partiers find common ground with lefties who believe the government is corrupt
  • Proud Americans of military families are finding themselves disrespected by Republicans and wooed from the left
  • Good Catholics are looking at a twice-divorced atheist with no record of service and turning Democrat
  • Free market capitalists can only find one candidate who has supported free trade and it's not on the right

    Everyone is feeling uncomfortable because the grand circle of political ideology is shifting 90degrees widdershins. I think it's the most distinctive party shift since the civil rights era and it could completely change the electoral map.

    I don't think we're doomed folks. I'm holding my breath a bit, but I truly am optimistic. It just won't be the same Party you joined.
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