Jun 18, 2016 22:14
I've just finished three days with the girls alone. There were planned and unplanned playdates to help and two days of school for Vi so it was hardly arduous. I did get to enjoy catching up and spending time seeing them for more than just dinner and bedtime.
My elder is very fastidious about her food. The latest is her desire to have a jelly sandwich with peanut butter on the side (instead of classic PB&J). My younger will hoover whatever you put in front of her: hotdogs, berries, dal, spicy sweet potato soup, pasta with artichokes, what have you.
The elder is strong and independent. We trust her never to cross the street or turn a corner without us, which means she can go safely forty feet ahead down a long block on her scooter. She occasionally gets looks from passersby as she confidently strides past, seemingly alone, though we are there as she looks back occasionally, and hugs are still seconds away in case of scraped knees. My younger still cries if she knows I'm in the house and have walked ten feet away.
The younger likes nothing more than to do whatever the elder is doing with whatever she is holding. The elder wants none of it!
And yet despite their differences, this week I got to see them truly play together. M is still unsteady with walking, and V happily offered her hand along with mine to help her walk into the playground fountain. M was laughing uproariously when V took a turn pushing her swing. And when M is upset, V takes it upon herself to blow raspberries at her until they are both cracking up. I look forward to the days ahead when I hear soft laughter in the other room... and have to wonder what the girls have gotten themselves into this time!
You always want to have kids that enjoy each other, and I know there are plenty times when they don't, but at least now I'm catching glimpses of what I hope will come.