The Magellan Legacy - 1.1

Jul 17, 2011 21:07

Welcome back to the Magellan Legacy! Last time we ended on a birth so let's start this one off with a birthday!

Yes, it's Astraeus birthday already.

Welcome to middle age!

And what's this? Someone (totally not me! *cough*) didn't have any pictures of baby Embla or anything at all until her birthday?


Aw (really do love the interactions. The claw's fun).

Observant viewers may have noticed something about Hazel as well.

And what is Astraeus doing to support his growing family? Selling his prized possessions? Working overtime?


Alrighty then.

I suppose it's all worth it for this cute face?

Going out for a stroll to find the residents of Riverview Crazy Town like to take naps on the sidewalk.

Embla, kicking the man while he's down is not very nice! What are you teaching your children, Astraeus!

Astraeus: Meh.

Astraeus: (Good girl, Embla)
Mark (the layabout on the street): (Gah, stupid children. I was only resting my eyes for a few minutes!)

And things continue to go swimmingly for the family:

Hazel: Could you stop mopping for 5 freaking minutes, woman in labor over here!

They didn't even make it to the hospital.

Say hello to another girl! This one's called Freya.

Astraeus: Oh god, I'm a middle aged father of two *weeps* My life is over.

Man up. You never had much of a life to begin with.

Atleast he still spends time with the kids.

And someone forgot another birthday (with cake) again >.>

At first glance, middle age seems to suit Hazel.

Unfortunately she dips straight into a midlife crisis.

Hazel: I can see the wrinkles forming before my eyes! Microscopic nothing, they're huge!

Spring rider intermission!


Sorry about that but I love those things.

Time for Freya's birthday. This time I remembered the cake.

I can hear the collective "aws" now. She looks like such a cute, if slightly angry, little lady. Right?

Yeah. Look upon the face of future terror.

Hazel, feeding yourself is not *that* hard.

Quick job update. Astraeus managed to make it into the Forensic branch.

Which means he gets a free laptop! Sweet!

Yes, now he too can check out all the intellectual (porn) websites from the comfort of his own home.

Did I mention Embla got a free doll? I didn't?

Well, I have now.

Mm.. there's a million ball jokes just waiting to be made somewhere, but this is not the screenshot for them.

And this random guy is the babysitter. He's not really important... right now.

Astraeus: (Wait, I thought we had a babysitter. Why am I alone with the toddler again?)

Meanwhile, Hazel's midlife crisis has resulted in her wanting a tattoo.

Hazel: I thank you from the bottom of my tattooed heart for indulging me in these flights of fancy.
Tattoo artist: Uh, yeah, whatever ma'am. Just pay up.

Embla's birthday!

You know, I notice this a lot with birthdays. What's up with the crosseyes?

Looks like someone else grew up a bit too.

And after a makeover, Embla immediately takes advantage of the new spiral stairs (leading to the new second story).

Before having the first, of a million, pillow fights with her imaginary friend.

Making out with an audience now? Exhibitionists.

Embla: (School taught me little seeds need water to grow).

and attention

And a little bit of love :)

Time for a family outing to the park

Which for some reason happens a lot after dark. Sorry about that.

Atleast Astraeus is giving the thumbs up.

Embla: Wheeeee!

Shame there aren't any real horses (yet).

Alright, enough of this.

Look who's pregnant again!

I always have ideas about having a bunch of funny screenshots with witty sayings but instead it turns into child and toddler spam.

Embla is now a proud Scout. Showing off her numerous badges here.

Hazel: *snort* I can't believe they gave you badges for talking to yourself.
Embla: Thanks a lot, mom.

Another pregnancy, another birth.

Astraeus: Oh my god, oh my god... what do I do! D:
Hazel: And he's still as useless as the last time.

Hazel: Get back here, you jerk! You're supposed to take me with you to the hospital!

Hazel: Thanks for nothing.
Astraeus: Oh, you've arrived! I thought I'd read up a bit while waiting.
Hazel: >:[

And the third child is yet another girl by name of Sif.

Yes, the baby in the stroller thing just looks weird.

Soon after that, more birthday!

Everyone enjoys the excited cries of little Freya.

Trust me, this face only appears innocent.

What's with the plumbing in the Sims anyway? I've never had a sink break down so much in real life.

Uh-oh. What's this?

Astraeus: Why are my fingers pink?

Astraeus: What the...?


And he never got to punish Freya for it, because Embla waylaid him after his second shower to show off her new salute.

Did I ever mention Hazel is quite handy and does a lot of upgrades? I didn't? Well, I have now.

Fast forward to next birthday, which is both Sif's and Embla's.

Please, Hazel, I don't think anyone in this household.. or town.. is entirely sane.

Post birthday makeovers!

She's adorable but pretty much a complete facial clone of her father.

Freya: None of this "other people" nonsense! Pay attention to me, the Queen!

Someone's taken up painting. And doing such a great job at painting... what am I looking at here?

High time to interrupt this domestic stuff with a completely random party! Especially since Astraeus' coworker invited him to one.

Apparantly brilliantcat's Truman Primm thinks he's too good for ghostpassenger's Hidra Atmos.

While the sight of Astraeus in his swim trunks really excites this random old lady.

Astraeus, having no dignity whatsoever, has no trouble dancing with the old woman.

Meanwhile now the party host appears to be snubbing Hidra.

Oh no, he's just a jerk (a familiar one).

Why did you even invite people to your party in the first place?!

Hidra started an impromptu music session with engram_au's Jessica Matthews

Astraeus: Oh god, she's naked. Don't turn around, don't look.

And while dad's living it up at the party, enjoying the hot naked women and kind wonderful hosts (ahem). Let's see what's happening at home.

Uhm. Yeah.

Best to get Astraeus home quickly, I think. (no I don't know where Hazel is, asleep probably to escape the madness).

The next day, time for driving lessons! In a police car, so nobody can complain when you accidentally run them over.

Extra shot just so you can see what kinda house barn they currently live in.

Freya, what are you up to?

Freya: *whistles innocenty*.
Random kid: I could have sworn there was a flower planter in my way just now...

And after some theft, what better thing to do than go for a joyride. On a bench (hey, she *is* still underage).

Imaginary Friend: Embla, hey Embla *waves*
Embla: Hey, Ahmed (the babysitter from waaay earlier). Did you know there's a dance coming up?
Imaginary Friend: :[

But let's leave the dance for next time and end this update with one last birthday.

Yes, very cute. For now.

Next time: Teen terror D: (and as usual, more birthdays)

Warnings: Language, the usual for me.

the magellan legacy, challenges, sims 3

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