
Feb 10, 2009 14:14

So....man. Just man. Why is it that everytime there's a new character that I like the writers either kill them off or send them away to parts unknown? I LIKED Dapne. Then they just went and offed her. I swear the writers seem to take some sort of glee in torturing Matt and making it so he never finds anyone to be happy with and on top of that, he's a seer now.
Still, awesome ep. I especially loved Claire in this. Her telling off both her Dads was awesome because they both needed some tongue lashing even if it didn't do any good. I now can no longer like Nathan. I never liked him that much to begin with but now I actually like him less then I did in the first season (and believe me, I didn't like him then up until the last few eps of the first season where I started to see his potential and why he was the way he was). I kind of get where he's coming from, but I still don't like him. So there.
As for the Sylar parts...him getting a mini-apprentice/admirer is just...wrong. Although I anticipate many slash fics starting because of this ep.
Still, heavy season. To those who complained to my local paper that the show is odd...it makes more sense then Lost, okay? Not that that would be hard. I know it sort of stumbled in the second season but I personally blame that on the writers strike. I had a feeling the writers had more planned with it but then everything went to hell and they didn't have time. They've definitely redeemed themselves this season I think. Even if I'm still mad they killed off Adam and Dapne.

heroes, tv show

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