I went to campus today and finished reading some stuff, and sent emails.
On a whim, I called an incoming student I'd met before, asked her to lunch with me. We had a really great time meandering around campus, I showed her around, and we got her her office key and student ID. We also met the new graduate affairs assistant
Had dinner with Irene around 5pm (we were supposed to meet at 6, but she got hungry) and afterwards, I offered to go shopping with her, because she really needed a dress. Took us a couple of hours, but we found a dress she was really happy with, if a bit pricey.
We spoke a bit about the Sawyer situation and I vented my feels about it (I seem to be doing this a lot).
Then I had a good long chat with KTO about it afterwards.
I feel slightly like garbage but otherwise better than before.
Yilun gets here tomorrow!!
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