Xander's a Virgin (Duh!), or Teacher's Pet Revisited

Feb 19, 2015 14:48

I suspect people have already said everything they have to say about this episode, which, if it has an underlying message at all, seems to be saying, beware of predatory older women (or, in Dr Gregory's case, I suppose, women).

However, maybe if we revisit some of its stellar moments (there are some, I swear), it will spark further discussion.

First, we have Xander's daydream, which could well be the stand-out most embarrassing scene of the entire show.


Not that Dream!Buffy seems to think so.

Then we have poor Buffy's sole encounter (that we know of) with an inspirational teacher.

Poor Dr Gregory. If he hadn't died, who knows? Maybe Buffy would have been the first Slayer with a science degree (that we know of).

The next stellar moment is occasioned by Angel's inexplicable decision to give Buffy his incredible shrinking leather jacket.

Now you see it.

Now you don't.

Not that I'm complaining, you understand.

Any more than Buffy is.

I am complaining about Angel's whole Cryptic Guy act (despite the fact it gives Buffy and Giles the chance to have the highly amusing Fork Guy/Cryptic Guy/Too Many Guys exchange). What do you mean 'it's coming', Angel? What's coming? An apocalypse, a bus? (see the next episode), maybe a new series of whatever TV show was really popular in the US at the time. We, and Buffy, are none the wiser.

Am forced to conclude that early season 1 Angel has been cursed to only speak in crossword clues.

After that, we're a bit short of stellar moments until Buffy is waylaid by Principal Flutie and forced to 'heal' whether she likes it or not.

Meanwhile, Cordelia manages to make Dr Gregory's death All About Her.

Which is great, because it causes Buffy to make this utterly adorable face.


After that, I think we're pretty much done with stellar moments, though we can, I suppose, pause to marvel at the truly terrible special effects.

No-ot really a special effect, but still not very convincing.

And the piece de resistance,

Eh, dear.

Never mind. It may not be a great (or even a good) episode, but there are still some nice things in it.

Example 1.

Example 2.

Firsts for this episode: First mention of the Cotswolds, as the site of Giles's friend Carlyle's encounter with the mantis demon. Everything - everything, I tell you -spooky in the whole of Britain happens in the Cotswolds according to BtVS.

Best lines: Well, I'm torn between Giles's 'There are too many guys in your life' comment and the following from Principal Flutie:

Principal Flutie: Don't say dead, or decapitated, or decomposing. I'd stay away from the D words altogether.

Finally, RIP Dr Gregory. Very, very sad.

I mean it.

104 teacher's pet, rewatch

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