The Great Buffyverse Rewatch 2015

Feb 16, 2015 21:19

Thanks to everyone who commented on last week's posts. This week we plan to do roughly the same - today's post reminds you of the episodes in question, and on Thursday and Friday there will be fuller recaps with some possibly leading questions.

So, this week we move on into Season One with:

Teacher's Pet

In which biology is studied and some of our friends are tied up for a while. Sunnydale High faculty has certain issues, including staff retention.

Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

In which Giles is critical of Buffy's technique, Cordy wants a fair share of the salty goodness and Owen gets a little too enthusiastic. Angel is mysterious.

The Pack

In which a school trip gets complicated, the lunch provided for the students proves inadequate, Xander expresses his attraction to Buffy rather forcefully and faculty staffing continues to be an issue at Sunnydale High. Angel is mysterious. And confused.


So, any preliminary thoughts? Worst-dressed Scooby? How annoying is Angel, exactly, on a scale of one to ten? How far should Xander be accountable for his actions?

104 teacher's pet, 106 the pack, 105 never kill a boy on the first date, rewatch

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