Harmony Fic Recs!

Jul 08, 2013 00:06

Harmony! She's either misunderstood or understood all too well. She's comedy and tragedy all in one glittery, pink package.

I mean, it's not like I have a soul. I have to try a lot harder.

Here are a few AtS Season 5 Harmony "trying" fics for your enjoyment:

A Two-Part Harmony by missmurchison (Spike/Harmony, NC17) - Part One is set in BtVS Season 4, but is ( Read more... )

a509 harms way, fiction, recs

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Comments 11

ffutures November 4 2013, 11:36:38 UTC
Don't know if it interests you, but I've got Harmony trying to be a Big Bad in The Right Technology, a BtVS / Wallace and Gromit crossover. Given the nature of the crossover it does not go entirely her way.

With bonus vampire chickens!


rebcake November 4 2013, 16:02:20 UTC
Thanks! Sounds right up my alley.


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