Harmony Fic Recs!

Jul 08, 2013 00:06

Harmony! She's either misunderstood or understood all too well. She's comedy and tragedy all in one glittery, pink package.

I mean, it's not like I have a soul. I have to try a lot harder.

Here are a few AtS Season 5 Harmony "trying" fics for your enjoyment:

A Two-Part Harmony by missmurchison (Spike/Harmony, NC17) - Part One is set in BtVS Season 4, but is also worth a read.

Shagging Harmony Kendall by Indri (Spike/Harmony, NC17)

Mortal Peril by brutti_ma_buoni (Giles/Harmony, PG13)

Love The One You're With by Barb C rahirah (Willow/Harmony, PG13) - This is Barbverse, so the seasons might not line up exactly, but it's close enough.

And finally, be sure to check out the brilliant Long Day's Journey by anaross. This retelling of AtS Season 5 is wonderful. Every character gets plenty of attention, though Harmony is the star of chapters 8, 11, and 26, which is more than enough to make the story eligible for this list. I'm leaving the pairing a mystery, because it is completely unexpected and perfect. Also available at Just Rewards.

a509 harms way, fiction, recs

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