Chosen Recs: Two takes on the farewell scene

Apr 19, 2013 20:20

Many fans have put their own spin on the "blaze of glory" scene that takes place between Buffy and Spike in the final moments of the Hellmouth. Here is one thoughtful meta, and one crackin' ficlet for your enjoyment:

Title: Not In The Brochure
Author: Beer Good (
Word count: 600
Pairing: Buffy/Spike... sort of
Summary: It's the end of "Chosen." Spike is burning up in the Hellmouth, and Buffy's holding on to his hand, unable to let him go without telling him... except Spike has something to tell her, too. And it concerns her mother.

Read it On LJ / On DW / on AO3

Meta: The Chosen "O"
Author: Lostboy (lostboy_lj)

Oh, the thinky thoughts! With GIFs! Very, um, satisfying breakdown of the text and the visuals.

meta, fiction, recs, 722 chosen

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