Poll time: Where do we go from here?

Apr 17, 2013 22:55

Friends! Members! We've come to the end of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the series) and are looking toward the final season of Angel. Imagine! Just one show to look at. We haven't done that since, well, the end of BtVS season 3. Your mods have been wandering through fields of spring wildflowers diligently planning how to approach the change. And we've decided to throw it back to you. What pace do you think would work best for you? And yes, we know some of you would just like to hurry up and get to *SPOILER* a certain god king. Never fear, we'll get there before you know it!

Poll Season 5 of Angel! What is the frequency?
Please share any other thoughts and suggestions about the comm. And please continue to share your BtVS Season 7 and AtS Season 4 catch-up material! All fanworks centered on any episode or stretch of episodes are welcome!

poll, modly musings

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