Post-Chosen Fic Recs

Mar 28, 2013 09:57

Chosen: the one where Buffy shares the power and Spike goes up in a pillar of effulgent glory. Then what happens? Here are a couple of classic post-Chosen fics wherein things go differently for Spike once the "Welcome" sign tumbles into the crater. Both are sweeping and intimate, heartrending and joyous. Primarily focused on Spike, both feature ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

eilowyn March 28 2013, 17:17:51 UTC
I was going to post Lizzerbeathan if you weren't.


rebcake March 28 2013, 17:47:22 UTC
I win! Though I have another dozen or so short recs, that I'm trying to many great fics, so little time!


makd March 28 2013, 20:31:58 UTC
Love this fic by treacle-antlers! Great saga; neatly done. Love the ending, especially.


rebcake March 28 2013, 21:24:55 UTC
It's classic for a reason! The whole bit with the ice cream parlor has special resonance for me. So road-trippy!


slaymesoftly March 28 2013, 20:46:07 UTC
OMG, yes. Adieu, A Dew, I Do is one of my favorite stories ever. I'm pretty sure I've read the other one too.

So, we're not talking about immediately post-Chosen then? But perhaps stories that don't allow for AtS season 5 and NFA? Hmmmm.....


rebcake March 28 2013, 21:28:33 UTC
I hadn't quite realized that so much time was supposed to have passed between Chosen and our introduction to Willem in that story. But yeah, I was thinking about stories that don't really make use of AtS S5, but go off in their own direction after the end of BtVS. I'm especially fascinated by the old stories, that do amazing things without ever knowing what was to come in the next season of Angel. I suppose those authors got Jossed, but some of them are so damned good that I just buy it, you know?


slaymesoftly March 28 2013, 21:45:01 UTC
*nods* Yes, of course they all got jossed - but some of them are wonderful anyway. I think I have a couple that take place just post Chosen, or that ignore AtS season 5 - maybe.... Or, if they take place during AtS, but before NFA? I dunno.


rebcake March 28 2013, 22:01:47 UTC
I'm pretty sure we're going to continue on with AtS S5, so you needn't dive into that part of your vast catalog just yet. I am thinking of doing a "Chosen" time-travel fic list which would include your "Prologue/I Know You" series.

Now that I'm thinking about this, I probably should have saved the post-Chosen fics for the post-Chosen hiatus weeks. Durn.


zanthinegirl March 29 2013, 08:14:01 UTC
Oh, good choices! Two of my favorites!


rebcake March 29 2013, 08:39:43 UTC
Our tastes are so similar!


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