Post-Chosen Fic Recs

Mar 28, 2013 09:57

Chosen: the one where Buffy shares the power and Spike goes up in a pillar of effulgent glory. Then what happens? Here are a couple of classic post-Chosen fics wherein things go differently for Spike once the "Welcome" sign tumbles into the crater. Both are sweeping and intimate, heartrending and joyous. Primarily focused on Spike, both feature various members of the Scoobies and Team Angel doing interesting things.

Title: No Mistakes
Author: treacle-antlers (treacle_a)
Rating: PG13
Genre: Mystery/Romance/Amnesia
Pairing: Buffy/Spike (eventually)
Length: 45,000 words / 13 chapters
Summary: A man awakens in the Mojave desert with no memory of how he came to be there.

Available at FFN or Treaclefic. Fun fact: the author began No Mistakes before Chosen aired and completed it in 4 months! Not jealous at all...

Title: Adieu, A Dew, I Do
Author: Lizerrrbeathan - one "z", three "r"-s (lizerrrbeathans)
Rating: R
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Disguise/Magic/Romance. Also contains jazzy, free-form, swinging prose, with myth and philosophy underlying all.
Pairings: Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, Angel/Cordelia
Length: 45,000 words / 16 chapters
Summary: Seven years post-Chosen Willem is hiding in Newcastle upon the Tyne, UK; given the magnet of hot souls and mutual minds - he is found.

Available at Once you finish Chapter One, click on the "Chapters 2 through 16" link at the top of the page to get to the rest.

fiction, recs, 722 chosen

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