I have something a little bit different to share. For this project,
angelstoy created an extended gif and I wrote a ficlet to illuminate the action which plays out in her creation. We both hope you enjoy the results of our collaboration.
Title: Los Angelus Interlude
angelstoy Author: Gabrielle
Characters: Willow, Angelus
Rating: FRT-13/PG-13
Summary: *Set in Season 4 of A:tS* AU during Orpheus. Willow arrives after Wesley and the gang have restored Angel's soul...or have they?
Word Count: 548
Feedback: Please.
Disclaimer: We own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been either of us.
Author's Notes: I would like to thank
angelstoy for offering me the opportunity to write a story for her creation.
Los Angelus Interlude