I have been trying and trying to write new things, but Agatha is on permanent vacation. Bitch! I don't think she ever really got over being murdered in Crave. I really didn't mean it.
Anyway, here's something that I wrote ages ago. Wishverse Spike/Jesse for the catch up:
Three Ways to Burn a Hole in the CarpetA/N: A/U Wishverse fic. Written for the Night They Never Met ficathon. The request was for Spike/Jesse. Formerly posted under the working title Impressions. 1,140 words
Feedback: Is like air, in other words, yes please.
Disclaimer: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and all related characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and sundry others. I’m just taking them out for a little exercise.
Summary: Strike a match, take a drag, and suddenly the house is burning down.