brutti_ma_buoni asked for fics set in the summer after Buffy's death, so here is my current project, which just so happens to be set in that crucial summer. It's not yet finished, though it's very close, but I hope it's okay to post the link here anyway. And I hope you enjoy the story.
Title: To One in Paradise
Author: Gabrielle
Pairing: Willow/Angel (also Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, and a special surprise pairing)
Rating: FRAO/NC-17
Summary: *Set just after Buffy's death and before Season Six/Season Three* Feeling guilt and loss, Angel changes his mind about going to the monastery and heads to Sunnydale, where Willow and the others are struggling to cope with Buffy's death.
Feedback: Please.
The Blue Pencil Crew: The always outstanding
lilbreck Distribution: Here, NHA, my DW, and my site only
Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.
Author's Notes: This one is back to angst for me.
One *
Two *
Three *
Four *
Five *
Six *
Seven *
Eight *
Nine *
Ten *
Eleven *
Twelve *
Thirteen *
Fourteen *
Fifteen *
Sixteen *
Seventeen *
Eighteen *
Nineteen *
Twenty *
Twenty-One *
Twenty-Two *
Twenty-Three *
Twenty-Four *
Twenty-Five *
Twenty-Six *
Twenty-Seven *