Episodes in Focus: Spiral and Over the Rainbow

Sep 04, 2011 16:55

Is it that time already? Yes. Yes it is. The new Episodes in Focus are Spiral and Over the Rainbow. Episodes where the wheels come off for our heroes, in this dimension or another. So from Monday your time, get sharing whatever you have to share on these amazing Episodes in Focus.

Episode in Focus: Spiral
The spiral's all downhill for Buffy and the gang here. From Glory identifying the Key, to the Great Winnebago Escape Plan, to the Knights of Byzantium on the road to nowhere, to Giles with a spear in his side and Spike with a sword in his hands, to inviting Ben into their place of safety… to Glory, revealed as Ben's other half, and taking the Key away with her, to Buffy, catatonic. Whoa. That's a spiral I would personally like not to be on, kthxbai.

(On a personal note, this was the first ever BtVS episode I saw. Do I get points for persevering? Because this: was confusing.)

Key quote:
ANYA: (calls to Giles) Do we know where we're going yet?
SPIKE: We'd already be somewhere if Captain Slowpoke would give up the wheel. (Giles looks annoyed) Hey! Gramps! Bloody step on it!
GILES: Step on what? I've driven tricycles with more power.
XANDER: (groans) Is anybody else queasy?
ANYA: (rubs his arm sympathetically) He doesn't travel well. He's like fine shrimp.
SPIKE: (to Dawn) I shoulda nicked that Porsche I had my eye on. There's just enough room for me, you, and big sis.
Xander gives Spike a queasy glare.
SPIKE: What?
XANDER: Would you give it a rest, or...
SPIKE: Or what, you're gonna toss your cookies on my shoes?
XANDER: Or you can be undead man walking. See how fast you can hitch a ride with a flaming thumb.


Episode in Focus: Over the Rainbow
So, Cordelia's been sucked into a portal, and she's… where, exactly? Somewhere no good at all, judging by the clothes. Also judging by Lorne, who's no fan of his home dimension, Pylea. So there's spellcasting and portal finding and in the midst of it all, some guy called Gavin turns up at the Hyperion with a clipboard… But eventually, there's another whole damn dimension, with twin suns that don't burn, and some hostile green guys. And a ragged girl who looks a little familiar. And Cordelia has a vision, right out in public.

Spoiler: remember Cordy's revealing shell bikini of female subjugation last ep? Today, she wears the spangly bikini of regal splendour. Still kinda revealing, though.

Key quote:
Angel: "So you're saying that Pylea is a hell dimension, that Cordy is stuck in hell."
Lorne: "Oh, not literally - but it runs a close second."
Angel: "I find that hard to believe."
Host: "Do you? - Well, try this: they have *no* music there. It doesn't exist. Do you know what that's like? No lullabies, no love songs. All my life I thought I was crazy. That I had ghosts in my head or something. Simply because I could hear music. Of course I didn't know it was music. All I knew was that it was something beautiful and - and painful - and right. And I was the only one who could hear it. - Then I wound up here and heard Aretha for the first time... Well. (Gives a slight laugh, then turns serious) Don't kid yourselves. Cordy's in a *very* bad place."


Still have something to share about last time's episodes, Tough Love and Belonging? You have another week's grace to post anything you want for these eps and the special challenges. We can always stand a little more of the good stuff!


Meanwhile over at still_grrr, it's Back to School time!

a220 over the rainbow, prompts, 520 spiral

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