Flash Challenge: Tough Love & Belonging

Sep 02, 2011 17:04

Buffy wishes she had time for poetry. Even math puns bring her no joy. In more ways than one, she has Dawn's life, now. Willow and Tara have a tiff about magic...or is it about something else? Either way, nobody could predict the horror that would result. Giles produces Ripper in a blink, and Spike speaks a few home truths to both Dawn and Buffy. The pressure is on. On Angel, the fun is just starting. We learn the Host's name - Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan - and also find that family drama exists across dimensions. We catch a glimpse of a mysterious...librarian? Cordelia is overexposed, and then disappears entirely. But Gunn more than anyone is having trouble going home again. Here are a few quickie prompts for Tough Love and Belonging:

“obtuse and acute” or “not cheap-just old”
As always, you may create whatever you like with these. You may also use the main episode prompts or do something - anything - else. You have until Sunday, September 4th to post about either episode, plus the entire following week! Next, we'll start in on Spiral and Over the Rainbow!


Check out our affiliate still_grrr! In September, they're heading Back to School! Go! Post!

prompts, a219 belonging, 519 tough love

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